View Full Version : Talking therapies reading?

06-08-14, 15:29
Is anyone joining the stress course in reading with talking therapies on a Thursday for 4 weeks? Would be nice to chat to some people before I get there!

13-08-14, 13:34
I haven't but I am local to you in Newbury. How are you finding the course. Been wanting to do it for ages but too nervous x

15-08-14, 18:01
I'm in Newbury too :) unfortunately the closest course at the moment was reading. But it seems to be quite good! Apart from one of the speakers is rather boring as you can't completely understand him :l
And honestly I was rather nervous about doing it, but took my friend along with me ( who has also found it helpful) and I've been alright :) It makes you realise how many people are going through different and similar things. On the way to my first session I said to my friend that there would be a few people and she was thinking 12 max, actually turned out to be 50-80 people all there for the same reason :)

22-08-14, 16:42
Glad to hear you are finding it useful, I'm going to go to the one in Newbury in October my boyfriend is going to come with me. Have you had a lot of help from your gp or other services?

29-08-14, 12:53
I'd Definately recommend it :)
Kind of, doctor has put me on some tablets to see if they help, and I'm just waiting for talking therapies now for my 1 to 1 sessions to be up and running!

How are you getting on?

02-09-14, 18:52
Did you guys get referred from italk? I was, and I left a message with the receptionists to join the basingstoke course (they were part time) , but got a discharge letter telling me I didn't call in time :/ now I'm too nervous to go back to the doctor and also the September course has already started :(

17-09-14, 10:07
I was refered with talking therapies. You can go online and refer yourself. To them aand they will call you and give ask you a few questions and decide the best route, and best place for you to go :)