View Full Version : Ebola

06-08-14, 21:15
I'm scared I'm finding it hard to breath I've had a talk with one of my family members in an attempt to calm me down and I found this website.

I'm in the UK I've tried finding ways not to worry or why I shouldn't worry about Ebola should I be scared PLEASE be honest. Everyone I've seen has said no but that's about 1-2 people so... yeah. PLEASE I NEED REASSURANCE :'(

BTW: I have loads of anxiety this is why I'm here...

06-08-14, 21:23
hi there and welcome to NMP.you will find lots of really nice friendly people in hear .sorry to hear you are strugling at the moment.i havnt had the same problem you are having but anxiety sufferes have many strange problems and i do believe shortness of breath is one and it makes you panoc which in turn makes it harder to breath and so on.you need to find a way to calm yourself.slow deep breaths in and out and try to relax and remember you are not going to stop breathing its pnic and stress you are experiancing..sorry i cant offer much more.but others will post hear soon that may have had this isue that can offer more answers..take care and try to relax.greg

06-08-14, 21:26
Thanks for the reassurance I do slow breathing and thanks for introducing me to NMP. I do try to calm myself down through browsing stuff like Youtube or Maybe even play online games or video games. I not really a book guy but I may start reading a bit more I'll never know unless I try. I also drink lots of water to to help with my breathing

06-08-14, 21:33
There are several threads on this subject in the health anxiety section.





So you're not alone and have absolutely nothing to be concerned with

Positive thoughts

06-08-14, 21:50
Thanks I'm glad I'm not alone thx for showing this to me loads of people are saying nothing to worry on every single one and most people are from UK making me feel so much better

06-08-14, 22:15
Costlypluto hello and welcome to nmp ,you need to try not to worry about things like Ebola honestly the chances of getting it are as slim as me winning miss world ,have you been to get any help for your anxiety love xx

06-08-14, 22:20
yes I have

06-08-14, 23:03
The chances of contracting Ebola are, honestly, slim to none especially as you are not in Western Africa.

It is not an airborne virus, rather, it is passed through exchange of bodily fluids. So even if you walked through a place where an infected person had been (again, nearly impossible) you wouldn't be at risk.

On top of that, people are only contagious when they are symptomatic. Meaning they know that they have the disease and wouldn't be out walking around anyway - they'd be in seclusion in a hospital far away from you.

Shortness of breath is a symptom of panic and it's due to your stress over the matter. Try to relax and rest assured you do NOT have ebloa, nor will you catch it.

06-08-14, 23:05
Thank you.

07-08-14, 02:08
It's just anxiety playing it's usual games, it finds something to make you worry about and focusses on it.

Think of it this way, Ebola is a very serious condition that every government in the world wants to prevent even getting into it's country. Everytime there is an outbreak of Ebola, the charities mobilise and the governements start to meet and discuss how to stop it from spreading. There have been various outbreaks of Ebola and they have never made it to our country. Protocols in ports & airports have been tightened to spot it, which means that customs will be carefully checking peoples travelling and all doctors in the country have been updated on how to spot & deal with it...not that they are likely to ever see a case in their lifetime unless they decide to help the charities and go to Africa.

The problem with things like this is that the media jump on it and some are less than careful in how they report it.

You are safe. Don't give in to it, keep working on your anxiety disorder and talk to others on here because it does help to make sense of things by talking it through with people who understand what anxiety is like...which isn't something you can imagine if you haven't suffered with it.

07-08-14, 02:44
You can't believe how much that helps but what my mind is saying is "But this is said to be the worst one yet!?" But then again what you said made me re-think it and I'm assuming just like the rest of my other anxiety it'll just pass