View Full Version : Heart problems.

06-08-14, 22:06
Just over a year ago I suffered from palpitations from March through to June, all day everyday, every minute. I chalked them up to anxiety because they got better when I started my new job. I had several ECG's but nothing caught one.
The other week whilst walking my dog I got a stitch like heart pain under the wire of my bra on the left. It went after sitting down but was there the next day when walking the same. Since then I've had the odd palpitation. Today whilst walking a very short walk I suddenly broke out in a massive sweat, we're talking falling off my face and armpits soaked. I am not a sweaty person and it wasn't at all hot here today. I booked a Doctor's appt. She took my blood pressure and said it moved a little fast at one point so she thinks she caught a fast row of beats. Now I'm so scared. This must've been an arrhythmia and what if I have one in my sleep? If it does this tomorrow I'm tempted to take myself to A&E out of fear. I just want something to calm me. Would they do an echocardiagram?

07-08-14, 08:25
I'm scared people think it sounds serious so they haven't answered

07-08-14, 08:36
First of all, I don't think anyone here is not answering you because they think it sounds serious. I don't think it sounds serious from my limited knowledge. heart palpitations is probably the most common type of post on this forum. No doubt, it's because it's a very common symptom of anxiety.

You've had EKG's very recently and things were fine. Do you really think anything has changed during that time? What did the doctor say apart from acknowledging that she caught a few fast beats? If she didn't suggest packing you off for tests, then it sounds like you've got nothing to worry about.

07-08-14, 09:43
I agree with stressedguy hun that the ECG's would have shown something, I just had a 5 day event and they said that during that time some fast heartrates were recorded but said thats normal with anxiety - do you know what your heartrate goes up to hun? It has been quite muggy here not sure wheere abouts in the UK you are so I was a bit sweaty just sitting in my office let alone out walking. Hope you feel better today :-) xx

07-08-14, 22:51
I went to hospital today and had two ECG's, a chest X-ray and blood tests. All were fine. In my mind I'm now worried because when I was hooked up to the machine and left alone it started beeping. No one came in when it did it and when the Doctor came in he said ignore that. What does it mean? That my heart went too fast? Or do they just do that?

---------- Post added at 22:51 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

I didn't feel it though. Would I have definitely felt it?