View Full Version : cant cope

07-08-14, 13:32
my daughters friend came to stop with us for a few days went home yesterday now she has txted saying she has been sick I am sooo worried my daughter will get it. also since moving in with hubby ive let my tax credits know and my payments have stopped cause he eans too much its all getting me down:weep::weep:

ben johnson
07-08-14, 14:08
well y dont u try and move out then hun cus then nothing can get u down xxx

07-08-14, 14:46
Where will I go Ben

08-08-14, 11:24
Don't think moving to shrewsbury was a good idea at all I am so anxious all the time I never go out hubby has football every thurs he goes the cinema with his mates. I don't have no one I am stuck indoors doing the housework all day everyday

08-08-14, 14:02
Why not suggest to Hubby that the two of you have a date night once a week?

08-08-14, 14:45
Who looks after our daughter Helen ? It's a good idea but we don't know any one to look after Brodie

08-08-14, 15:53
Where did you live before you moved to Shrewsbury and do you have friends there? Is it far away? Could you spend a day/weekend there while your husband looks after your daughter?

08-08-14, 16:11
I lived in crewe brunette I didn't have any friends there just family mum dad sister,

08-08-14, 16:29
Your daughter must have friends at school, or among the neighbours.

What about trying to get to know their mums?

08-08-14, 16:54
Her old school yes she had freinds but her new school not made any yet until September. Who wants know me no one does

09-08-14, 21:04
Well if you've decided no-one wants to know you without giving anyone a chance to then you'll never find out will you? It's what they call a self fulfilling prophecy.

Why do you want to put yourself down?

09-08-14, 21:09
Well every friend I have had they didn't want to put up with my mood swings depression.

10-08-14, 18:53
Who looks after our daughter Helen ? It's a good idea but we don't know any one to look after Brodie

Then take her along I'm sure some family time would be great for you all. :)

10-08-14, 22:06
No cause hubby has time without my daughter

14-08-14, 19:52
Could you all go out together for a picnic, walk or cheap cinema night? Churches are great ways of meeting people that are caring even if you are not a Christian. You could take your daughter along too and meet other mums. When I moved to the other side if the country I found my local church and made so many friends there.