View Full Version : relly strugglin

07-08-14, 18:46
hi the past 2 daysive been feeling so anxious and scaredi keep teelig myself itsjust a blip but ive never felt this bad in along time, im usally anxiouse all day bu tcan sort of still carry on , i keep feeling so overwelmed want to cry but cant , this mornig i even foned 111 because of the way i was feeling. as i woke this mornig feeling quite anxiouse and then i started to get intrusive thoughts that scared me as usall so i hadmy breakfast and went to lie down to do breathing relaxation to calm me down but when i got up all of a sudden i felt very nauseiose and felt i couldnt breathe properly and imy arms and legs felt weak and just felt so much fear in my stomach if that make sence , and felt i couldnt cope with feeling like this anymore and ever since thro out today ikeep feeling a over welming fear ad dread come over me, now i keep thinking the anxiety is getting worse and ill end up mad and in a hospital or something, sorry for postig just want to talk to some one and reasure me its only a bad patch im goingthro thk you

07-08-14, 19:08
Glad you posted, the symptoms you describe are so scary. It does sound like an extremely bad patch you are going through. Have you mentioned how you are feeling to your GP? You should be able to get some help and reassurance from him/ her.

07-08-14, 19:12
Anxiety comes and goes with more or less intensity at times. Sometimes one thing sets it off and if you don't expect it then you panic and set it off spiralling away. Try to just continue with what you're doing and let it pass. I get good and bad days, and when I get bad days after a good spell it tends to make me forget how well I've actually been coping as the panic clouds all reasonable thought. Take it easy and try to relax the best you can and this will pass!

07-08-14, 20:38
Hi, don't worry, this is normal. You WILL be ok. Go and see your doctor if you haven't already and try to breathe through your panic. This is a truly horrible time but I promise you will get through this low period. Read, watch TV, see a friend, do anything you can while it passes. And it will. I've been there and suffered through it but I promise there is light at the end of the dark tunnel. Take care and be kind to yourself. And remember to breathe! Xxxxxxxxxx