View Full Version : Stitch or tightness in the left abdomen

08-08-14, 10:03
Well this is driving me crazy, and I cant seem to shake my worries and anxiety...

I first had symptoms of bloating, chest burning and tightness way back at Xmas. In January I was given an endoscopy and diagnosed with 'mild gastritis' and prescribed PPIs which initially helped. However I then went on to develop left abdominal discomfort 'not pain', bloating and constant loose stools, lost a few lbs too... Saw a GI specialist who diagnosed a bacterial imbalance and prescribed probiotics which again relieved the bloating but not the discomfort. I recently, after complaining of my continuing discomfort was booked in for a Colonoscopy which came back as totally normal... however the prep for it cured my loose stools (no doubt the flushing out helped).

All this brings me to now... I have this constant tightness and stitch like sensation just below my ribs, left side of the upper abdomen and back of the ribs. I'm at a loss as to what it could be, my HA is racing but with so many medical tests since xmas its not as though the GPs haven't been thorough:

Full Abdomen CT with contrast Xmas
3 full bloods
Stool tests

(only found 1 kidney stone, kidney cyst and mild Gastritis)

.... I have all sorts of fears, but have embarked upon a fitness regime to help strengthen my mind and body. Could all this just be stress and anxiety or has anyone else suffered months of symptoms which cannot be medically explained?

09-08-14, 10:06
No one?

Basically all Im asking is has anyone suffered real physical symptoms, pain, discomfort etc etc for months and it being all down to stress and anxiety?

09-08-14, 14:33
No one?

Basically all Im asking is has anyone suffered real physical symptoms, pain, discomfort etc etc for months and it being all down to stress and anxiety?

Yes, it can be quite common when stressed or anxious. The body reacts badly to it.

12-08-14, 12:37
I feel the something. Sometime feel like burning.

12-08-14, 12:49
No one?

Basically all Im asking is has anyone suffered real physical symptoms, pain, discomfort etc etc for months and it being all down to stress and anxiety?

The mind, when unwell, can affect you physically in many ways. I believe just about everyone on these boards can say yes to that question. Just a look through the plethora of physical manifestations in the "Symptoms" link is mind boggling. From dizziness to stomach/bowel issues to muscle twitching etc. Take a moment and read through the threads. You'll find post after post where medical science says there's nothing wrong yet the poster feels ill.

But, just like you treat a physical illness, you can treat a mental illness. And just like it can take a concerted effort to get well from a physical illness, it takes the same or more effort to overcome a mental one.

Positive thoughts