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View Full Version : New worry of Lupus

08-08-14, 18:02
2 Years into my health anxiety and I have had my ups and downs. Well, now it's back to the auto immune diseases I go. I have had two ANA blood tests close to a year apart both, being negative. I also suffer from dry eyes along with a long list of other symptoms. I do have muscle and joint pain but it is not extreme. I workout about 4 times a week, lifting and cardio without pain. Currently the doctor says I have golfers elbow from repetitive lifting, but not sure if it could be to an auto immune disease? Thoughts?

08-08-14, 22:56
Isn't health anxiety fun?! I'm also 2-3 years into it. I'm no doctor so can't offer you a medical opinion, but I can tell you that my mother has Lupus (as well as Scleroderma, CREST Syndrome, Sjogren's, and some other autoimmune illnesses), and she gets pretty unwell with it. The fact that you are able to workout four times a week is a pretty positive indicator, as I know that she wouldn't have been able to do that even early on in her illness. Auto-immune diseases are rife in my family - both my younger sister and I have MS - but the irony of the situation is that my anxieties revolve around cancer! I barely give my MS a second thought, and instead spend all my time worrying and obsessing over something I may or may not have! Crazy, huh?

08-08-14, 23:26
Thanks for that response worry! I look for inspiration in others!