View Full Version : Please can you tell me if this could be anxiety or not

08-08-14, 18:05
I've been quite stressed with work for the past 4 months to the point where I became very upset and broke down in tears on Wednesday morning and was signed off work until I'm better.

I have a number of somatic symptoms of stress but i have begun experiencing something new in the last week or so.

It started with episodes of feeling slightly spaced out/ detached/like my head is heavy, which yesterday became almost constant. Today this has been joined by nausea, I feel as though I could vomit.

Is it possible/likely tha this is due to stress and anxiety? I know the timing is right but I can't help but think of something terrible like a brain tumour... I am extremely anxious and considering going to A&E to ask for a CT.

08-08-14, 18:08
Brain fog feeling?

08-08-14, 19:15
I'm not sure if it's what you call brain fog because I don't realy feel slow as such, but I do feel a bit fuzzy and not with it. Someone said depersonalisation but I don't get a strong feeling of being out of my body, just slightly though.

But maybe they are basically the same thing?

I just wonder if it's common to get them together with anxiety? It was a big deal for me to leave work and take time off as it was a point where I was changing rotation and going for induction as a more senior doctor, I guess making that decision was stressful, and I was very tearful and anxious in the days leading up to it too. It's just strange, I've never had this feeling before and I didn't realise I was so stressed?

08-08-14, 19:24
I feel spaced out at times, due to anxiety. Also the weather today has not helped as it feels like the sky is pressing down on my head. Hubby has felt the same and he does not suffer from anxiety.

08-08-14, 19:26
Are you around a television? Do you feel different when watching tv? Does it feel like things are moving too fast or your kind of like focused on one thing?

08-08-14, 19:54
Oh yes this is def anxiety and stress!!!!! Hate it but its for sure. I hope you feel better!

08-08-14, 22:50
Are you around a television? Do you feel different when watching tv? Does it feel like things are moving too fast or your kind of like focused on one thing?

Hmm not particularly.

I had a big chat with my girlfriend about all my stresses over the past few months and it made the symptoms reduce a lot, though they tend to creep back over the next few hours.

I don't feel any change in time or any loss of memory etc, it's very difficult to describe but it's like being very slightly concussed or something. Like I'm 90% tuned in but not 100%, sometimes lower but right now it's not too bad.

If this is due to anxiety then I really had no idea I have been so stressed :( I mean I knew that lots of stressful events have occurred and it's been a bad few months but I felt like Id gone back to normal between those events, I guess not?

---------- Post added at 22:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

The nausea is particularly worrying :(

09-08-14, 11:39
And I'm tired most of the time, this is awful :(

---------- Post added at 11:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 ----------

I've spoken to an out of hours GP line and they asked me various questions and I couldn't say that I actually feel outside of myself, I do feel more fuzzy/foggy headed, like I've just woken up basically.

Is this normal as a result of burnout at work and will it improve in time?

I've noticed worrying about it makes it a lot worse but it's really hard not too...

10-08-14, 02:10
It sounds very much like anxiety - stress and anxiety can cause a wide array of physical symptoms and sensations, including nausea, fatigue, muscle tension and headaches. There is also a set of symptoms referred to as delrealisation/depersonalisation. These are difficult to explain, but in a nutshell they are kind of like sensations of being spaced out, detached from reality, detached from yourself, disorientation, etc. The symptoms you are feeling right now are obviously worrying you, so it might be a good idea to check in with your GP to discuss them, figure out why you are experiencing them, and see what can be done to manage them :)

10-08-14, 02:23
Hello, AnoyBrit, I would say it was Anxiety, and the best thing you could do is get lots of rest and sleep. Also try to do something which is not in your normal routine and stop stressing out about decisions, this will make it worse. You will work things out naturally. My feeling was just like yours, probably from too much thinking and over doing things. I felt a slight detachment from the outside world and it was like a feeling of being a ghost; if that makes any sense. A good massage also helps, because muscles will be very tensed and a trip to the GP will more than likely confirm Anxiety.

---------- Post added at 02:23 ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 ----------

I was also very tearful and got upset over little things, so it's your body and mind's way of telling you to take some time out.

10-08-14, 02:41
Nausea is a very common one for anxiety, so thats very possible.

The episodes can be anxiety, your adrenalin spikes and then it drops which can result in this. I know if I have a particularily anxiety triggering event, I feel wiped out for a while afterwards.

Have you also considered the impact of nutrition and hydration? If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you are burning the fuel faster even if you don't think you are physically doing more - it takes more from your resources to put you in that heightened state. Blood sugar can be impacted as well. So, sometimes you may see an improvement if you look at these issues as well.

If it is increasing from episodes to continual, have you been previously anxious prior to those episodes and are you now more anxious on a constant basis? It could be that your anxiety has become worse so that you experience the downers more.

Perhaps rest, keep hydrated, be careful with what you eat and any supplements (or adjust to something more beneficial to an anxiety sufferer), etc.

See your GP if you suspect it could be anything more.

11-08-14, 18:58
I get these feelings too. I'm easy to tear up now, easier than ever before. I'm not a doctor, but I'd see if you can get a sleep study or something done. I found that on nights I haven't slept well, that I am more aloof and depersonalized or whatever you want to call it.