View Full Version : Job Interview - SO nervous!!

08-08-14, 21:26
As some of you might know, I left a bad job a few weeks ago and have been working at my old job, on the inpatient psych unit, for the past few weeks. I actually never left it but was just per diem so hung onto it just in case something like that happened.

Anyway I have been applying for jobs as a therapist and actually had an interview last week at a hospital. It went really well and they want me to come in for a second interview. The first was with the woman who would be my supervisor. It was your standard interview and I was happy with it.

Well, because this is through a behavioral health network at a hospital, the second interview is way more intense. I will be meeting with the Medical Director of the entire hospital, Director for Behavioral Health, and Director of Community Outreach and it is over 2 hours long. What!!!

I am SO NERVOUS! What will they ask me that will fill 2 hours? I'm just a therapist, not a medical doctor, so I am most nervous for the Med Director because I know a little more of what to expect from the Behavioral Health/Community Outreach People. I want this job, but this sounds really intense.

09-08-14, 00:00
Well, in my experience two hours on paper looks way longer than it actually is... I usually come out thinking i've only been talking for 30 mins and it's been 1hr 30 instead :) I'm sure once you are there and in your stride the time will fly by. I'm guessing that because you already passed through the first phase, a chunk of this will be about making sure you're the right fit, rather than whether you have the required skills (which by now they know you do)... At least, that has been the way it worked for me quite a bit of the time. If this is the case, it should be 'easier' than the first interview, but may take more time if it's conversational, rather than straight Q&As.

Remember, you made it through the first interview so you clearly have what it takes... This is just the final hurdle... I'm sure you'll do great!

Good luck - let us know how it goes :)

09-08-14, 12:46
Wow a chance at a good new job already ! That's great news.

Be glad of this 2 hour thing. Don't call it an interview. Feel appreciative of the chance to get this cool new job. Let that appreciation and enjoyment come across in the interview.

See it almost like youre just popping in to attend a very brief meet with your new work team. Compared to a full days training or work it is very short and brief. If you were going in for a full day you'd think two hours would be over in a flash.

So it's just a two hour drop in to meet your new colleagues. Thank god you're not there all day !

You're glad of this opportunity so will inevitably communicate this to them in your chat. The chat will just be letting them get to know you as a person and what you've done. You're ready for this job. You know you're not an incompetent idiot who is there to waste their time. You're confident that after your chat with them they are going to be impressed with you.

Now just drop in for this brief chat with your new colleagues, no BEST FRIENDS (haha only joking, going over the top a bit now).

Pretend sort of like you already work there and this is just a small meeting with other members of the team, granted they're some "higher ups".
This will come across in the chat and they'll feel you'll fit right in with them.

You're competent.
You like them and like working with them.
You're all ears and learn quickly.
You enjoy this environment.
And you're enjoying this brief chat.
You're more than willing to let them get to know you.

10-08-14, 15:59
Thank you both for your advice. Oosh, you always give me some really practical tips! I appreciate it.

I have to work on my self-confidence in my career. It's always been a bit of a struggle for me, but I have to be confident in who I am and in my skills. If I am, I am sure it will show through to the employers.

I bet it won't be the whole 2 hours. Maybe I will meet with each of them individually? I am afraid of it being like this panel of all the big heads of the hospital and me. But maybe not. It's Thursday!! Eeek

10-08-14, 17:04
I expect that a good part of it will be going over the responsibilities and duties of the position to make sure that you are informed of them all and are agreeable with them before they would proceed on to offering you the position. Listen carefully and do ask any questions you might have. It needs to be a good fit both ways for you to be happy too! Meanwhile, you still have your current position, clever girl! Best of luck :D

10-08-14, 17:32
Thanks, SADnomore :)

14-08-14, 04:04
Tomorrow's the big day ... can't sleep, so nervous!! I really want this position! bah!

14-08-14, 09:04
Good luck !

14-08-14, 13:49
Thank you! Somehow I got to sleep thanks to my lovely husband giving me a back rub. I leave in about 20 minutes for the interview. :scared15:

14-08-14, 18:36
Finally home! It took the full 2 hours and I met with 4 separate people. It actually went really well!!! I'm really excited. The staff was really warm and open and excited to talk to me. They said I should hear back next week, but it seemed like they were going to give me an offer.

Fingers crossed!! Thanks for your support everybody

14-08-14, 19:00
Oh that's great news. Nice one :yahoo:

14-08-14, 20:39
Thanks :)