View Full Version : Ulcer in Mouth, Herpes?

08-08-14, 21:26
I have an ulcer in my mouth and I'm scared that I'll give my Boyfriend herpes through oral sex. Do mouth ulcers act in the same way as cold sores? (pretty sure none of us has herpes). Is it safe to do?

08-08-14, 21:52
Cold sores (HPV1) hurt like the dickens when you get them. The only way to know is to have an open sore swabbed or have a blood test. However, mouth ulcers are a common affliction caused by the stress of anxiety.

Positive thoughts

09-08-14, 00:22
Ulcers don't usually take too long to heal up. Try rinsing with salty water or a betadine solution to keep it clean and help it heal. If you're worried about it just wait a few days.

09-08-14, 01:49
I get mouth ulcers all the time. I have one on my tongue right now. If the sore is inside the mouth it's a canker sore which is not able to be transitsmitted.

09-08-14, 15:18
I get ulcers all the time can be brought on by stress anxiety and feeling run down rinse your mouth with salt water get some bonjela

09-08-14, 21:01
I've been getting mouth ulcers for as long as I can remember. No, you cannot transfer them from person to person, they usually appear when you're stressed, or if you've managed to bite a part of your mouth and it becomes infected with the bacteria in your mouth.
Gargle a little salt water solution or strong mouthwash before bed, or alternatively eat salty foods! (mine tend to disappear after eating a nice portion of fish & chips) It'll be gone within a week or so, don't panic :)

09-08-14, 23:35
Colour so true about the salty foods! I have a killer one on my tongue. I ate salami and olives and even drank a little of the juice. Feels better already. Also sugar kills the bacteria too.