View Full Version : Lymphoma fears

09-08-14, 08:25
I'm working away just now and I really wanted to use this opportunity to put my lymphoma fears to rest and concentrate

Unfortunately it's all I've thought about . I can feely lymphnodes and I can't stop touching them

This has been going on for two years seven months

Would I still have it ? I had my bloods checked before I went away and I've put on so much weight ( much to my dismay )

I can't stop thinking about this it's awful

09-08-14, 16:36

I was on the cancer boards I belong to and there was a young man who was afraid he had oral cancer. 5+ doctors and tests said otherwise yet he continued to post over and over about it. Eventually, the admins locked the thread as it was upsetting many who have and are fighting the battle for real. One of the members posted links to another anxiety forum and we all read his threads. While on that forum I saw a very similar post by you. In that post, it was recommended that you seek treatment. CBT, one on one therapy, meds or a combination thereof is what's needed to treat your illness. No one is going to say anything different I'm afraid.

The title of your post is "Lymphoma fears" and that's what's wrong with you. Fear and health anxiety.

I hope you take the steps to treat it.

Positive thoughts

09-08-14, 16:52
That's really hit home to me. Thank you

09-08-14, 19:39
Gemma you are not alone, as you know I too fear lymphoma. I don't actually fear cancer itself I fear having un diagnosed cancer and then being told its too late for treatment. That's how my father went. He was too late. My children are under 7, I was 12 I know the pain I went through. Its so hard because alot of people have ha but suffer with chest pains and fear them, we have lymph nodes up and that's a real fear for us because we do have something abnormally in our minds present. We have to trust doctors. I was at my cousins wedding today and I kept thinking yea I do have two glands up, no symptoms but I feel well, I've done my bit by going to the Drs and they have told me what they told me and I have to accept it. Hard but we can do it. After two years though you id say are fine hun, I don't worry now about my 4 year one it has to be fine, but I worry over the 10 week one. Hugs xx