View Full Version : why am i scared

09-08-14, 11:08
hi i went to se my gp this morning bcause of how i feeling the last few days and wish i never went now, as now she has got me worried that i have severe depression as she has gave me fluxatine to take and ive read its too treat severe depression,ocd, and eating disorders. i know i did break down to her but it was only because ii get tired of fighting the battle with anxiety when it is really bad and im scared of the feelings and symtoms of the anxiety, and i dont really have any support at home when im really bad and dont have any one to talk to when im struggling, i dont think i feel depressed i dont feel as if i dont want to be here anymore etc q,uite the oppersite as im frienghtened of dieing . and the thought of suicide scares the life out of me,so now its made me feel really anxiouse and worried over it all now incase i do have severe depression,and im really scared now because i think that if i am depressed wat if i end up wanting to hurt myself or do anything as my sister has sufferd with it for yrs and has tried to harm herself a few times and she also tried when she lived with me a few times and now my son inlaw is in a bad place at the moment with it and i keep thinking what if i end up like them, i dont know why i think this way but i do even the word suicide or depression makes me feel really scared and start to worrie over it i wish some one could tell me the reasons why i react and think this way or is it because i suffer with anxietythats making mebe this way. that also i did tell my doc that i am petrified of taking meds not just antidepressants but any kind of medication even a parasitomal, so i know i wont take the pills she gave me .would i know if i was depressed? sorry for posting yet again but really worried now thk

09-08-14, 21:14
If you know you won't take the pills and honestly don't agree with the doctor's opinion I'd advise getting another opinion from a different doctor.

10-08-14, 10:12
Did the GP give you a multiple choice questionnaire to fill in? The statements you choose (with a tick) give an indication of anxiety/depression levels & can be used as a base for any suggested treatment.
Perhaps counselling, on-line courses could be offered. I would see another doctor.