View Full Version : Difficulty breathing in morning

09-08-14, 11:15
So I don't exactly know how to explain my symptoms (not very helpful I know ) but recently I have been experiencing some weird symptoms :/ when I wake up it seems to be really hard to breathe in.. And feels like my lungs are being crushed or someone is sitting on my chest it's that's restricted to breathe! But as soon as I get out of bed.. It all goes! The Other problem I have is I wake up very congested and lots of phlem (yellow something darker!) I am not a smoker either... I don't know if it's maybe an allergy or something buy any help would be great please

09-08-14, 16:54
am now having a panic attack it's a pleural embolism as it hurts when I breathe now

09-08-14, 17:04
:hugs: panic attacks are horrible hope u calm down soon

09-08-14, 17:07
Thank you hun yeah they suck bad! Just wish I knew what was wrong :(

09-08-14, 17:27
Just panic attacks hun y did god invent them hey I know how u feel I've just started having panic attacks they r very bad :hugs::hugs:

10-08-14, 01:50
It's hard for anyone here to give advice on symptoms they don't also experience. It does sound to me like it may be a slight chest infection or allergy, however I'm not a medical practitioner so I could be entirely wrong. You'll probably get the best advice if you see your GP :) They'll also be able to provide more reassurance

11-08-14, 19:11
I get this feeling occasionally. I find that it is when I sleep very rough. If I'm flat on my back I find that I breathe in harder and thus when I wake up I feel like my chest is heavy.