View Full Version : OMG Alcohol and Health Anxiety

Female healthanxiety
09-08-14, 15:25
So I had a slight panic when I felt dizzy in the shopping centre yesterday. Heavy head, feeling like I'm not walking straight, clammy, heavy eyes.

Friend offered me '1' gin and T to calm my nerves but ended up drinking half the bottle, which wasn't a good idea considering I had to drive 2 hours home on the motorway today, and was full of panic, the steering wheel was very sweaty!!!!

The dizziness has not gone and still have the horrible sensations! Even when I lay down I feel panicky and jump up, as still feel
Like I'm gonna faint even when I lay down...

Some advice to calm me down would be great... Xxx

09-08-14, 15:29
Alcohol is the devil for me, not that it stops me drinking lol
But I have learnt that when I've been drinking I'm even more hyper aware of everything, the day after I have a good drink I'm so bad, last time so much that I haven't drank for 2 weeks now. I was depressed and anxious etc.
It's not to say you can never have a drink but be mindful of its effects

Female healthanxiety
09-08-14, 15:35
Hello J

Awful isn't it!!? I actually feel like death as well as my dizziness.

Have all my stuff today, ectopics, the lot.

NMP keeps me sane I swear! I have no one I can really talk to that much about my HA!

Your right, alcohol does make you hyper sensitive, wish I could have a sleep but the HA is not allowing me. Xx

09-08-14, 15:50
Well, you know better and did this to yourself. You're just going to have to deal with it until it passes.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

09-08-14, 15:57
Plenty of water to cleanse your system a bit and like Fmp said - time!
I really ought to stop drinking altogether. I managed to kick the smoking habit due to it bring less socially acceptable, but drinking is so common and in your face! Knowing how it affects you and your HA helps though, remind yourself that alcohol is making you more anxious. Alcohol IS a depressant after all.
Take care xxx

09-08-14, 15:59
Alcohol is fine stuff indeed. You have a hangover, they're not pleasant but it'll pass. :)