View Full Version : pancreas

09-08-14, 15:52
well ive
been feeling unwell now for about 2 months, but ive got to the point where im convinced i have pancreatic cancer, abdominal pain, back pain, im having lighter stools, not sure if theyre classed as pale or light but theyre lighter than my usual, also ive just started having horrendous heartburn, worrying myself into exhaustion.

stayed in bed until late afternoon today worrying myself sick,

my gp has performed full bloods, which they told me were no further attention, whatever that means, also ive had an ultrasound which they told me was clear,and im currently waitingfor a referal to a gastro consultant, im thinking of paying private to get a ct scan as i dont think im getting anywhere to finding out whats wrong with me, and its ruining my life right now

09-08-14, 16:27
I suffered the same scare... however I understand the stools in pc are almost white, and often the sufferer has jaundice symptoms.

09-08-14, 16:54
thanks for the reply.....mine are very light tan colour, and as for jaundice, ive quite dark urine at times and itch but although i think my eyes are a little discoloured my wife dosent....in fact she thinks im a nutcase:weep:

10-08-14, 12:46
Having a bad time of it and I'm close to going to a&e with my pain, feel like I'm not in control anymore

10-08-14, 13:02
If the pain is off the scale then dont hesitate my friend..... it could be an appendix which could be serious if inflamed.

Keep us updated

10-08-14, 13:06
Take comfort from the fact your bloods and ultrasound are clear. I had this as a worry earlier in the year and one of the blood tests actually tests some sort of level in you pancreas so the fact it's clear is great. Also the ultrasound can look at the pancreas closely and this too being fine is great. My brother had pancreatitis and it was identified that something was wrong from ultrasound.

10-08-14, 13:10
Pain isn't off the scale , just constant, it's the light brown stools that are worrying me more, apparently it's a sign somethings wrong,

10-08-14, 13:14
Light brown to beige are all normal stool colours, mostly to do with what you eat and other factors.

As I stated before pale, grey, clay and white are the red flag colours!

10-08-14, 13:41
I took Imodium last week and for 2-3 days after my bowel movements were normal with a normal brown colour, would this be the case if something was wrong, or would they be pale regardless of taking anything

10-08-14, 17:01
Did you have your liver enzymes and bilirrubin levels checked? Light stools and dark urine are usually due to liver conditions.

10-08-14, 21:15
Not sure what was checked altogether, I know I had full bloods and they mentioned liver function and kidney function tests, also told me my cholesterol was 3.8

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

Also waiting to see a gastro Dr as my go has seemed to have washed his hands of me

10-08-14, 23:12
my go has seemed to have washed his hands of me

Could it be because there's nothing physically wrong with you? A medical professional treats physical issues. If exams and tests show nothing physically wrong (that's what "no further attention" means), then there's nothing more he can do. Further testing and other medical professionals are likely to confirm this.

Positive thoughts

11-08-14, 08:16
I'm trying to think. This way, however everything I read says how hard it is to diagnose, so I'm convincing myself they've missed it or aren't looking for it to start with

11-08-14, 08:26
You may test for hep.a,b,c. These symptoms also related to that liver diseses.

11-08-14, 09:12
Can I ask why you've self diagnosed Pancreas Cancer, when there are a number of more common benign causes of ab pain, gastritis, IBS and most common of all anxiety?

11-08-14, 10:04
Just due to my symptoms, I realise what your telling me and I'm trying to think rationally, however my symptoms are very real and match PC

11-08-14, 10:31
Sadly for the likes of me and you (and other on here) rationally isn't something we tend to do.....I've often been accused of thinking the the worse case scenario.

11-08-14, 12:07
So spoke to the hospital and my go has referred me as a routine appointment, so it's a 6 month wait,

11-08-14, 12:13
If the GP had even the slightest concern it was cancer you'd be fast tracked, surely thats a positive?

11-08-14, 14:26
Yes the rTional part of me thinks this, however it's the irrational part that's shouting loudest at the moment

13-08-14, 04:42
Take it from someone whose dad died of PC and I have chronic pancreatitis. You'd know by now if you had PC

13-08-14, 10:04
Thanks for the reply, sorry to hear about your father, what I've read is that it dosent show many symptoms until it's too late, I've only felt like this for about 8 weeks

17-08-14, 11:50
Well, I've woke this morning and lost 4lb since yesterday, don't think I'll wait the 6 months to see a consultant think I'll pay to be seen quicker

17-08-14, 12:03
Well, I've woke this morning and lost 4lb since yesterday, don't think I'll wait the 6 months to see a consultant think I'll pay to be seen quicker

6 months? That's insane. I would do the same and see a private doctor. They want to kill us with those waiting times.

17-08-14, 12:06
Yes I rang last week but as my go sent my referral as a routine appointment it's a 26 week waiting time for appt...however if I pay £125 I'll see the same consultant within a week

24-08-14, 22:00
Howd you get on?

24-08-14, 22:53
Well, I've woke this morning and lost 4lb since yesterday...

The only time I lost that much weight overnight was due to a colonoscopy prep! ;) Under normal circumstances that's a stretch at best.

Positive thoughts

24-08-14, 23:13
The consultant I'm under dosent do private clinics, he's put me as urgent to his outpatients and the wait is up to 19 weeks, weight wise I'm up and down by 2-4lb every day so not really sure

25-08-14, 09:24
When I was going through the worst of my gastritis, I could lose that a day just by not eating and drinking much that day.

Hang in there mate... keep us posted.

25-08-14, 12:00
Cheers mate, I've lost about 9lb in the 8 weeks I've had it, although most came off in first 3 weeks when diarreah was at its worst, now I seem to drop and gain anything from 2-4lb a day so I'm hovering around the same weight. However I've cut out bread and I'm eating a bit more healthy than was so hopefully it's that

25-08-14, 12:52
My weight dropped drmatically after I changed my diet, not drinking beer did it for me. I started a new eating well and exercise regime which didnt help either. However in the last month ive put 2 kgs back on, no doubt mostly muscle as I burnt off most of the fat I had.

If nothing else all this diet change for both of us can only be a good thing.

25-08-14, 15:44
Hope so...although this 19 week wait to see consultant may be the death of me through worry

25-08-14, 18:43
Juggsy, if the consultant thought this was serious, you would NOT be waiting 19 weeks, you would be fast tracked through in 2 weeks. if cancer is suspected, the wheels start to turn very quickly, despite what you might hear to the contrary.

Please go and see your doctor about your health anxiety. You are losing weight due to your anxiety, which takes a huge toll on your energy.

25-08-14, 19:54
Thanks primula. I've an appt Thursday with community mental health nurse to have a chat...hopefully soon enough I'm able to put all this behind me, it's my wife and two beautiful daughters that I feel sorry for

26-08-14, 20:04
Hi Juggsy, are you weighing yourself at the same time every day? Your weight will always be a couple lbs higher in the evening. Make sure you weigh first thing in the morning before breakfast.
I Ave had many of the same symptoms you have described. A lot of my symptoms went away after 2-3 months of feeling seriously ill, in and out the dr'a every other day, I even had the paramedics round one morning. I was convinced I had PC . I'm still not unconvinced even though the symptoms have subsided mostly. Try not tonly worry, easier said than done!

26-08-14, 23:08
Yes caitie, I'm weighing first thing in the morning, thanks for the words......I'm hoping once I get a ct scan done, I can put this behind me

29-08-14, 18:30
whilst what youve said is very sad for your boss, it probably isnt the best thing to write on a health anxiety forum, as itll send some peole into a panic who may have had these tests and told everything was ok

30-08-14, 01:08
Sorry i guess i just have to delete my post

30-08-14, 12:15
Sorry I didn't mean that, it's just what you wrote could feed someone's fears, I understand your worry, I'm in the same boat

13-10-14, 22:48
well the appt is tomorrow with the gastro consultant.....dont think ill be getting much sleep tonight

13-10-14, 23:10
indigestion causes light stools and all the symptoms you describe, I have it badly, heart burn is horrible for me... causes all the same things as yours.
bloods would show something ... not always but pretty much if you're having symptoms as 'bad' as yours they would show something in the blood tests.

also do you have anxiety in general as that can play havoc on your system, not digesting food properly, not eating properly - what have you been eating?>
I use to get two tone poop for a while as I started eating better ha ha so it would be camouflage poop! maybe change your diet.

15-10-14, 13:43
How did the appointment go Juggsy?

15-10-14, 19:31
Well the consultant was amazing, really helpful and understanding, told me he thinks I have nothing wrong with my stomach, and that while performing an endoscope or ct would give me conclusive answers he felt that the invasive nature of the endoscope and the exposure of the radiation from the ct were unnecessary and outweighed the fact he thought nothing was wrong from my bloods, ultrasound and the thorough examination he gave me..

So I'm hoping it's onwards and upwards from here.....please those of you who tried to help me rationalise it feel free to tell me I told you so

And thank you all so much for your support

always worried
15-10-14, 19:57
If you are obsessively led by HA it is VERY easy to lose weight for some. In bad spells I drop from 13.5st to 11.5st if bad and then back up again. Hang in there ;)