View Full Version : Proud of Myself

09-08-14, 15:58
(even though for most people it is seen as normaility)

Yesterday was my birthday, I was panicy and lethargic but managed to go out for a carvery with my parents and eat it all and even had a pint of lager that I dod not really enjoy but I felt I wanted to try as it was a special day.

Today I also went out with parents for fish and chips although I felt awful this morning.

These are not big steps but all the same I feel proud that I done them and managed Ok as I have been pretty bad lately. Also, since coming off the Setraline (was having horrid side effects) and going back to my Citalopram it seems I am that little bit better.

The real test for me is when I have to go anywhere alone for the whole day but I plan to carry some water, paracetamol, my propanalol etc with me if I need them.

A better few days for me but with hospital next week and other stuff to do it could get worse again before getting better

09-08-14, 16:25
That's what I do mat. I always carry a small bottle of water when I go out.
I am taking sertraline and I am beginning to get used to them.
I was taking the citalopram at one time .
Well done for getting out with your parents:hugs:
and belated Birthday Greetingsxx

09-08-14, 16:29
Well done u and I too always carry a bottle ov water everywhere I go it's like my comfort blanket . And u should be very proud ov yourself �� x

09-08-14, 16:34
Thanks both, I have been so down lately and I swear it was the Setraline making me worse as I was so used to Citalopram so GP switched me back at a higher dose but I don't start them until next week as he wanted me on my original dose (20mg) for a week until going up to 40mg. I don't feel great but I don't feel as depressed as last week so hopefully the higher dose will kick in and with the beta blockers help me feel a lot better.

In a few weeks time I am out from 7am until 10pm for a day in Brighton and the football game as well as around 7 hours in total on trains and buses so hopefully I can cope - I am keeping my water and propanalol to hand just in case they are needed but if I do get through that without too many problems I will be very happy

09-08-14, 16:55
Well I hope u have a fantastic time and enjoy it think positive hard I know at times x

09-08-14, 19:15
It's the little things that build us up to recovery-- the fact that you are even thinking this way is also a huge thing to be proud of :) try and think of it as a template for the future-- you may have bumps here and there, but you now have proof that you can do things and have a pretty okay day. If you can do it now, you can do it again right? I think you have a lot to be proud of here, keep it up, you can get there again

09-08-14, 19:21
Well done! I'm sure we can all appreciate how much work that took you x

10-08-14, 00:31
Well done :yesyes:
You should definitely be proud of yourself.

10-08-14, 12:53
Mat, this is brilliant. You have made some very important first steps here. Well done.
In the first stage if recovery, making yourself do these things is very difficult so I really relate to how hard it must have been to make yourself go out.
But you did It.
Frm here on in, it does get better. There will be more ups and a few downs but eventually you'll reach a point where you can go out, socialise and enjoy it.
Birthdays then begin to be so much more fun.
I am really proud of you.

10-08-14, 14:28
Thanks again all, after the great weekend of being out today feeling a bit down in the dumps with a stomach ache and really tired but as I done so well this weekend I am not going to punish myself particulalry as it is chucking it down and high winds - no, today is for cups of tea and watching TV. Feeling very tired though!