View Full Version : Panic/anxiety are the thoughts real ?

09-08-14, 17:08
Hi i have hit a bad patch and i am worrying all day long, the thoughts are constantly in my head and as soon as one is solved its like my head flies through my mind at super speed to find a new worry i have to get in a state about. Todays for example is i own a caravan that i have rented this week for the first time to non family/ friends. I had a gas man come in and check the gas and an electrician in to check the electrics and pat test all items so my mind wouldn't worry but i sat down just thinking i don't need to worry about that and my head went through every scenario that could go wrong in the caravan until its chosen the most worrying and now im so focused on these worries and i fully believe they are real. This is an example of right now but every day and hour is the same and a new worry . I have to over analise everything and turn every situation into a potential threat and a fear. Can anyone help or what can i do, i cant go on like this its horrendous . thanks

09-08-14, 20:57
If your caravan has been signed off by tradesmen then it's no longer your responsibility, it's theirs. You're as safe as you can be.

The best way to prevent constant worrying like that is to give your mind something to occupy it. I listen to podcasts. You can put your mind somewhere else completely.
Leave it idle and it's almost like your mind is designed to find and work on problems. Don't give it the chance.

If there are things you're worrying about consistently, write them down and reach a logical solution that you feel good about. Then each time you think of that worry, instantly remember the solution associated with it and forget it !

I think worry can come when you're in a particular dark, anxious state. So try and change that state. Spend half an hour trying to remember what in the past has made you laugh. When you're in a more lighthearted state your mind tends to recognise needless worrying more and go "uuuugh, get lost, how dull !"

But when you're always in that anxious worried state it's harder to see outside it.
That's when you have to actively try to think new things and change that state.