View Full Version : anti climax over nrw flat help

09-08-14, 17:13
i guys some of you know of my jurnney through the last 16 months some dont.i view two flats next week and will be moving in .but why am i not feeling happy or excited about it.its allmost now the waiting for a flat is over im suffering some kind of anxiety anti climax..today i feel flat and depressed instead of feeling excited and happy.i just cant pick my self up.ehats going on.

09-08-14, 17:29
Even though it is something good it is still another change and changes good or bad can trigger anxiety. Keep reminding yourself of all the positives that will come from this and try to keep busy this weekend. I am sure you will feel better once you are in there. It is probably just the anticipation of the move. :hugs::hugs:

---------- Post added at 17:29 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

Greg I have just looked at your other thread and maybe it is the fear of you being on your own after all this time making you feel down?
You know you might just find that you enjoy your own space and the peace and quiet. You can watch what you want on tv, and get up and go to bed when you want without being disturbed or disturbing others. You won't be far from others either so you will see plenty of other people still.

09-08-14, 17:34
There's always the danger of wanting to reach something in the future and thinking everything will be alright then. Only to reach it and then that's not there to aim at anymore and it's all a bit flat and empty.

Focus on what part this new home plays in the bigger picture for you.
You have a base now where you can put your belongings and make it like you want. Picture how you want it. Plan it all out.

Then what's next once you have the base. Over the next year what are your goals ?

Do you want someone to share your new home with you ?
How might that happen ?
It might be possible to boost your income and enhance your life that way too.
How might that happen ?

A new comfy home, some money to spend, some company.

Getting the new home is just the start. Plan out the rest now.

09-08-14, 20:15
thanks guys im sure you are right.i just want to be excited and really look forward to moving in...i do think of the opatunity of having my own place and no one to tell me what to do..maybe it will just take time

09-08-14, 20:39
It will be lovely having your own place, just remind yourself of the problems you had living at the other places.

09-08-14, 21:55
yep you are right Annie.i will remember my last 16 months of hell and enjoy my new time and space

10-08-14, 10:01
Sunday morning and have woken more panicky.anxidty high today and feel i cant engage in any kind of chat with anyone.feel uncomftable and unsociable..and keep checking out how i feel.really disapointed im feeling this way when i should be celabrating my new flat.just want to shy aeay from everyone but also dint want to be alone with my thoughts...lifes a bitch.

10-08-14, 10:05
When do you move in Greg?:)

10-08-14, 10:19
Hi April it will be sometime next week.but this anxiety is getting ontop of me..its the not having any confidance to talk to people and feeling awkward when they talk to me.its as if when someone talks to me,no matter what its about,l just want to tell them to shut up amd leave me alone.i hate it

10-08-14, 12:43
Hi Greg. I think Annie's right, it is yet another change in your life.
But it is good change, something that will out you back on the right track.
As regards your anxiety, if you are able, focus outside of yourself.
Don't monitor how u r feeling, especially try not to keep observing your inner sensations, feelings etc.
in this Situation, I guarantee that not focusing in yourself will help enormously.
See what you can do :-)

P.s. I meant to say you can instead observe others. Watch them go about their business. Notice little things about the world around you. As long as it distracts you from self-focus I am sure it will help.
As regards conversing with others, u aren't honour bound to talk to others, sometimes u might just not be in the mood and with unsettling stuff going on, u think its over fealty natural not to want to talk. It might help a bit if you can but its really not essential.

10-08-14, 14:11
Im trying that tessa quite hard not to focus on my inner feelings when they are domanating my thoughts..just got this contant feeling of fear running through me and just feel so bloody flat and tired.not relaxed in any way..wish it would pass and let me relax

10-08-14, 14:24
Greg tomorrow after you have seen the flat everything will seem more real and you may be able to accept the change without all the anxiety. It will be great for you. I don't know why it is that we get so stressed and anxious over things that are going to be good for us. I have been just the same, doing something that should be exciting and feeling like I am going to face a firing squad!

10-08-14, 14:54
ha ha
funny about facing the firing squad.lol.made my giggle..who knows what goes on and why we think like this.im sure you are right Annie.i cant wait to be settled and haply and know where im going in life..really cant.how have you been annie what yku been upto.the weather hear is crap.loads of rain thunder and lightning

10-08-14, 15:40
I am much better now Greg...just feeling the fear and doing it anyway and the fear isn't so high now. I have had to face the firing squad a few times in the process but have managed to escape them! :D Much more confident about myself now :) Raining here but not too heavy and no thunder. I think it is a lot worse in the south than up north.

10-08-14, 16:31
good to hear you are possitive Annie.you are moving on in life.weather hear in the south east is better.the sun has come out again.we had lots of rain today and thunder and lightning.thanks for your posts Annie.hope you enjoy the rest of your sunday

10-08-14, 17:10
In school we are taught about "psychosocial stressors" - aka any new change in life, bad or good, can cause anxiety and that is normal! It's a normal reaction to something different.

You may even feel anxious in the beginning once you are moved in. Again, it's normal. Give yourself time to settle in and things will fall into place :)

10-08-14, 21:43
thanks for that swgr109.it seems there is a patern in all the advice about this isue i have.so i guess i have to ride it out and give it a chance.im sure you are all right in what you are all saying.thanks for all the coments and advice.

11-08-14, 19:28
Greg how did the viewing go today?

11-08-14, 19:46
Hi annie.havnt had it yet.im still waiting for the call to tell me when i will view the two flats.anytime this week.so watching my phone very carefully ,willing it to ring.lol...thanks for thinking about me.ill post as soon as i hear anything.how are you today what you doing with the 6 weeks school break

11-08-14, 19:50
A watched kettle never boils Greg lol
It will ring the moment you're not expecting it to :)
Good luck

11-08-14, 19:54
lol.thanks April.ill still be watching the kettle.lol.hopefilully tomorow it will boil

11-08-14, 20:43
I hope you get the call soon Greg. I don't work in school now, I left over a year ago when my anxiety was really bad. I do some private tutoring now and sell Avon.

12-08-14, 07:35
cool.keeping yourself busy thats good.any plans over the school holidays or holiday booked.

12-08-14, 07:45
Hope today's the day Greg :whistles:

12-08-14, 08:56
tomorow i view my flat.

12-08-14, 14:00

13-08-14, 21:25
How did it go?

13-08-14, 22:06
I was thinking 'bout you today Greg. Hope it went well.

14-08-14, 10:27
thanks guys iv posted the results in my other thread...
got the phone call to veiw flat..