View Full Version : Pale lips a symptom of anxiety?

09-08-14, 17:32
I was having a another serious anxiety episode earlier about my forgetfulness and a few other reasons I wont get into.
I was feeling so fatigued and had the feeling like I was about to keel over, so I had a quick nap to try and calm myself down. When I woke up, I looked in a mirror to sort out my hair and noticed that my lips and inside my mouth (inner lips and cheeks) were so pale.

They seem to have pinked up a little bit now, but are still pretty pale.

I am also still feeling very fatigued, dizzy when I am moving around, and having a slight pins and needles feeling in some fingers on my right hand, muscle aches in my hips, shoulders and back.

Is this anxiety?

09-08-14, 18:15

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

10-08-14, 02:06
People with anxiety often hyperventilate without realising. Sometimes this can become 'normal' breathing without a person even realising. Hyperventilation can cause fatigue, dizziness, and pins and needles/tingling sensations. You could try taking some deep breaths - breathe in for 5 seconds and out for 7 seconds. If this is really hard or makes you anxious it is likely that you're hyperventilating. However, I'm not a medical practitioner so I can't tell you with any certainty whether your symptoms are due to anxiety or not. If it's still worrying you give your GP a call :)

10-08-14, 03:09
Yes, Sophie, your face including your lips can turn pale, but only momentarily. Nothing to worry about. It is the Anxiety doing this. I normally give my cheeks a good rub when this happens and make myself a nice cup of green tea. I get this a lot too. :)

10-08-14, 11:27
Could be your blood pressure was a little low after the nap.