View Full Version : Scary thoughts? Normal?

10-08-14, 06:52
Hi everyone,

Ive been having scary thoughts since having panic/anxiety... Usually about what if I go crazy & harm myself, it's usually to do with stuff I've heard or seen in the media. They cause extreme panic

Does anyone else have intrusive thoughts?

10-08-14, 07:42
Hi Sammy
I've had them and theres plenty of other people on here who will have had them too.
Its common with anxiety and depression.
It doesn't mean that you're going mad,or that you're a bad person.:)

10-08-14, 08:21
Thanks Hun always nice to hear it's common x

10-08-14, 08:28
That's ok
If you can try and accept that they're just thoughts,and not be shocked by them, you'll find that they start to lose their energy,and will be less bothersome.
There's meds that can also help if you have a chat with your doc,or ask to be referred for some CBT,as the talking therapies can really help.

10-08-14, 08:49
I think it's mainly to do with the fact that I keep thinking the thoughts lol almost like a test... I'm hoping to not take medication and I'm waiting for talk therapy ATM x

10-08-14, 20:38
Hi guys. I defo agree with what Aprilmoon has said. I have had in intrusive thoughts on and off for 4 years, I'm currently taking citalopram for the 2nd time and they defo help. The less my anxiety is the better I cope with them they seem less bothersome but when my anxiety was at it's worse the thoughts would really scare me and get me down. Just remember they are only thoughts and there not real. I'm currently waiting to go to CBT class so hopefully that will work. Good luck Hun stay strong there is light at the end of the tunnel. :) xx

10-08-14, 21:01
Thanks huni! I've hardly had any today, think I was
Over thinking everything x

10-08-14, 21:51
The more you worry/think about them, the more they will come, which is true with any anxiety symptoms! You won't go crazy, I promise. And you won't hurt anyone either. If you were going to, the thought wouldn't upset you. Both of these worries are classic anxiety and ocd symptoms, both very easily treated :) you will feel better in no time. They can't hurt you and the more you see how things like breathing exercises, talking with someone, distraction or meds (if you choose to go down that road) can help, the less they will bother you. I've only had GAD properly since December last year and I'm already feeling tonnes better :) I'm sure you can too.