View Full Version : Would bone cancer show in blood test?

10-08-14, 10:17

Please help.. I've had a lump on my hip bone for I don't low how long as I only found it poking around.
My hip is hurting and radiating to my leg and abdomen - like a dull ache and shooting pains.
I asked the dr who said she though it was tendons massing round the hip.
But I'm terrified it's bone cancer - I had a clear FBC and blood smear four weeks ago and clear abdominal unltrasound but I'm really worried!


10-08-14, 14:19
What can anyone here tell you that medical professionals, tests and scans haven't?

Positive thoughts

Female healthanxiety
10-08-14, 15:07
You've had a clear blood result, and this is where they pick up any abnormalities.

Try some physico maybe?

10-08-14, 18:43
Okay so I've been very silly!! I couldn't help myself and went to a walk in - the doctor said there was nothing to feel and that the pain was probably from running!!
I need to get over this and get my life back - there isn't a part of me yet to be tested so it's time to work hard!!!

Thanks for your help guys :) I really appreciate it!
FHA I will what's app you later on :) xx