View Full Version : Do panic attacks get worse each time or is that just one of their many illusions?

10-08-14, 11:45
I tend to have what i call "episodes" of panic disorder, which used to be every few months, but has now become every few days.
The pattern sort of consists of a 2 or so day build up before that one really really hellish one where i truly believe i'm dying, can't stop shaking, crying, think i'm going insane ect. then over the course of the next few days, its reduced to a constant feeling of fear, but not panic that slowly tapers off over the days. slowly i can brave getting out of bed, then out the house ect. then a few days later, something will either set me off or out of the blue the terror will rise again into the next major panic attack which always feels worse than the last.

i'm kind of worried that my panic attacks are getting worse each time and are building up into me loosing my sanity. i'm not sure if they really are worse of if they just feel so. all i know is that each time the big major one happens, it feels like nothing i've ever felt before and i'm always thinking "i've never been this terrified in my whole life" that is until the next one happens.

can anyone shed any light on this?

10-08-14, 12:09
I think you know deep down it's an illusion. It's in the nature of the panic phenomenon to feel, not just bad, but "worst ever". It's called catastrophisation. It will always make you believe it's worse than before, which is partly why people get stuck in the fear cycle because they think the next one will be the one that pushes you over the edge. It's only as bad as how badly you react to it.
You could even try pretending next time that this one isn't as bad...just pretending. Just saying to yourself that this one's alright actually. Genuiinely smile and relax as you say it. You will probably find that the panic believes you and subsides.

10-08-14, 12:53
Hi James, I'm seeing a therapist at the moment and some of my issues sound similar to yours.
I'm working on improving my self esteem issues as what happens with me is that I'm OK for a while then I will be triggered by something/someone which then activates certain responses in me and I like yourself will engage in unhelpful behaviour such as going to bed, not going out etc., which also bring on unhelpful emotions - anxiety and depression so it's all a vicious circle which I'm trying to break out of so what we need to do is try to work through the bad days and not go to bed and to try go out, easier said than done though isn't it?

I hope this makes a bit of sense as i'm in a hurry at the moment and wanted to reply before I had to go.

10-08-14, 16:09
Thank you both for the replies.
I think my main problem is I'm asthmatic, I've never had a major attack and Doctors keep telling me that it's under control and I even have my own oximetre. but everytime the panic starts i become so convinced that i'm dying from asthma and yea thinking "this is the time it'll kill me". i do feel like i'm trapped in a cycle, i've not left my house in any appreciable way in a year (i live with my parents and have only just finished uni) i really am at loss on what to do with my life and i think its that that's caused the panic disorder.

anyway i'm starting to ramble now. if either of you come across any tips of ways to break the cycle, feel free to let me know, thanks :)

10-08-14, 19:26
Have a look at the links in my signiture. Actually, I've just remembered "Nothing Works" is down at the moment I think so maybe skip that for now.
Now you've joined this forum you will almost certainly get better if you have the will and sense :) Best of luck.

11-08-14, 17:24
Thanks, I hope I do because it doesn't feel it right now.
Not had the best day. Woke up feeling the best I had since Friday, but then my therapist came round and I had to talk in detail about all the things I feel, this triggered me off again. So I tried to go for a walk around the block and this made the panic worse. God damn it, I can't even leave my house anymore without panicking, can't even watch tv for more than a few minutes or read. I just want to go back to how I was before when I was an anxious person, but still perfectly capable of living a normal life.
Sorry I'm just very emotional right now, I don't expect anyone will read this anyway since this thread's a bit old now, so meh guess it doesn't matter if i express myself too much. fml

11-08-14, 19:05
Ummm I'm reading it. It still comes up on todays posts if you make another post. Have you looked at CTB4Panic? Understanding is the best treatment.

12-08-14, 14:16
sorry, new to this website so i've not caught up with everything yet lol. i was very very stressed yesterday (still am a bit today) but cheers for pointing out the link, i will have a look through it :)