View Full Version : Help. boyfriends family hates me?

10-08-14, 13:12
I am off work with anxiety.

My work are understanding and supportive and so are my side of the family.

However my boyfriends nana just rang me and told me to ignore all the stuff his family are saying behind my back. I am in tears, I was not aware of any dislike towards me from his family or that they were unhappy that I was not working.

His nana also keeps insisting on visiting. she has already visited our new house (that we have only been in for two months) and my boyfriend regularly visits his family and nana every week. Now why the hell does she want to visit every 5 minutes I dont know but She is here for hours when she does and a whole day is wasted. I should not feel under pressure in my own home.

I hate people visiting my house. His nana keeps requesting to visit. I have to sit upstairs in the bedroom when she does while my boyfriend talks to her as my anxiety causes severe panic attacks and refuse to run around and cater to a guest when I can barely care for myself.

My opinion now is I don't want his family round ever. And I never want to see them again. I sent them gifts for their birthdays and everything. The ungrateful backstabbing *******s!!

10-08-14, 13:34
Hi Shammy, Sorry to read things are tough for you. Could you maybe ask your partners Nana if it would be OK if she gave you both a ring before visiting as you have stuff to do and get on with or that you might have people in and can't entertain her, that way you can hopefully reduce the visits?
I'd also ask her not to tell you things that the other side of the family have been saying about you as tell her it really doesn't help.

10-08-14, 14:00
Hi sorry to hear things are difficult at the min but I think anxiety is very difficult to understand unless u have been there I don't think there is 1 person in my life who actually knows I have it but that's my choice maybe if u try and explain to his family how it effects u then maybe they would understand more x

10-08-14, 19:32
If it's only his nana that says the family have been talking about you and she's acting strangely, perhaps she has dementia or is just a bit nutty? I wouldn't take it as proof they hate you personally! They may even have just been discussing it. t's hard to tell from what you've written. But it's not nice when people take a side against you.