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View Full Version : Going further afield

14-08-04, 08:35
Hi all,

Something that is new to my illness this time around is the safety zone thing. Having read some of the personal experiences on here I understand a bit more about it, but I still am finding it very difficult to face the thought of going to the town where I work (45 min drive or train). The problem being that both my counsellor and osteopath are there! I need to go to the counsellor on Monday and I'm absolutely terrified about how I will cope.

I had to drive half way there yesterday for my homeopath appointment. I did it wihout too much problem, but it wasn't the most pleasant experience.

I just want to hide, yet I don't know why that place is any worse than anywhere else (Have been to my parents which is about the same distance but was okay). I know it may be because work stress has been a big factor this time. But I just want to get better and get back to work. I am a careers adviser and for the first time in a few weeks I've been missing my students. I keep hearing the adverts on the radio for the help for people going to university and I miss the fact that I won't be there for my students this year.

Also I have a holiday booked for two weeks time, and am worried about how I'm going to cope there.

Finally, my other half has been an amazing source of help and strength, especially this last week. However, I'm really worried about how panicky I got in the supermarket yesterday if he was too far away. I know I can't lean on him all the time, and this really scared me.

Any help, advice, reassurance would be most welcome.


14-08-04, 12:24
Even thought I've been driving for the last ten years and driven far distances in the past without a second thought, since having anxiety, panic, depression (which was diagnosed a year ago, although i've had it for many years) I too get very aprehensive at the thought of driving somewhere. I'm ok in my local area but on my sons birthday, a few weeks ago, i took him to folly farm about 2hrs drive, and it was awful. I got really anxious, confused, upset, but i was lucky as my boyfriend was with me and understands when i can't do things that i used to do before, and he took over the driving (although he's not insured for the car LOL) , as soon as he took over i settled back down and was fine for the reat of the journey. I can totally understand what your going and your not alone. Tara xx

14-08-04, 13:36
Thanks Tara. That's really reassuring.

14-08-04, 15:05
Hi, I also found that rescue remedy helped me a lot when driving, it's worth a try. Tara x:)

14-08-04, 16:50
Thanks. Yeah my homeopath has given me something similar, so will try that. I suppose I'm just frightened of being a danger on the road in this sort of state.

21-08-04, 10:26
I forgot to post earlier that I managed to do the drive without too many problems. Have to do it again on Monday, and am feeling a little anxious about it. But as I've done it once I know I can do it again. :)

21-08-04, 10:47
Well done for managing the drive ..

Practice is progress.


Caz Fab Pants
21-08-04, 16:58
Sounds like you're making progress, well done on doing the 'dreaded' journey. I'm sure it will get easier each time you do it, just keep your calming remedy close by and a bottle of water in case of emergencies.

Hope things are still going well for you.

Caroline :)

23-08-04, 10:54
Well done, you did it yippie !! Sorry I haven't replied earlier I didn't see it LOL. I think it's toady that you gonig again, take your time and remember you've done it once you can do it again. If you need to stop once , twice, three times during the journey it doesn't matter I always finds that helps me too. Really good luck today, Tara xxx

23-08-04, 10:56
Thanks Tara. Have been feeling really anxious this morning, and less in control than the last few days. probably because I'm getting anxious about this. But I have had some good spells the last few days so holding on to that. :) Just wish the jitteriness and 'cottonwool in the head' would go away!

23-08-04, 11:43
Hi, I find that focusing on something else helps me, boring stuff really, like that box that i've been meaning to sort out or the fridge needs to be cleaned, over the past few days i've been feeling a little up tight myself and i tell you my kitchen has never looked so clean LOL, now i'm going to put the HUGE pile of clothes away that i've been meaning to do (told you it was really boring but it works for me ) Take it easy now Tara xxx

24-08-04, 11:25
I currently have a very clean kitchen floor, which helped drive the anxiety away yesterday. Thanks Tara.

Did the journey okay, with only a little freak out on the first section. Counselling actually felt useful as well yesterday. Even managed to make it into the office for a quick visit without freaking out, and then the supermarket!

24-08-04, 11:30
Well done, excellent !! I'm really glad you did the journey and that the councilling went well. I bet you could eat your dinner off that kitchen floor LOL. Take care Taraxxx

24-08-04, 11:34
Hiya ,

I'm glad you are finding the counselling useful and 'pushing' yourself that little bit. As meg says practice really does make progress

Your doing great!!
