View Full Version : Nicotine Gum and Anxiety!

21-12-06, 13:07
This is gunna probably sound really daft but I have to ask. I gave up smoking nearly 2 years ago now but as time has gone on, i have not stopped using the Nicotine gum and seem to have replaced smoking with the gum. When i spoke to my doc about it, he was not overly concerned and said that a friend of his gave up smoking and became addicted to the gum. I fear that this may be what has happened to me. Anyway, when I'm having a bad time with anxiety and have a nicotine gum, it seems to make it worse, although I'm giving in to a craving for one. It certainly seems to make my breathing difficulties worse. I have only just discovered this link and I'm not sure whether to go see my gp about it. I doubt this is something which is very common but just thought I'd ask if anyone else has this problem. I'd really like to stop using the gum but it has become a habit. Any ideas? Vix

21-12-06, 13:48
I don't use the gum as I managed to give up a few years ago ( I got pregnant and I found that motivation enought!).

But a hypnotherapist I know told me that you have to take a lower nictotine level in the gum than the actual number of fags you smoked
E.g. if you smoke 15 a day get the 10 a day gum cos' if you go for 20 you are actually putting more into your body than it was actually used to when you smoked. And therefore you are more addicted.
The way to get off them is to lower your gum dose slowly as if you giving up the fags.

But that could be all mumbo jumbo cos' I don't know how the gum works.

21-12-06, 13:55
I only use the lowest dose gum (2mg) but probably get through about 8 or 9 in a day and only used to smoke about 10 a day. So, not sure how much nicotine is in one fag compared with the gum. That's interesting but a little bit worrying. I think in the New Year I am going to have to bite the bullet and gradually stop using them. But I worry that i'll become addicted to something else in its place!!

21-12-06, 14:11
Hi Vix

Sorry to hear you have become addicted to the gum, you will find that most people are addicted to something, it just they don't think about it.

Ohh boy, you did great giving up the cigs, WELL DONE, going to try new year myself.[^]:D

Have you tried halfing the gum [?] do this for a while, I would say a few weeks. Then, ohhh I know this may sound silly, try cutting it in four and popping normall chewing gum in you mouth as well. This is just a thought, but ask at your chemist if its ok to do this.

Its not only the addition you have to get rid of, its the habbit too, if you can do it the way I have suggested, eventually you will replace the nicotime gum with normal gum.

mmmm just a thought.



Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...

21-12-06, 14:12
Ooh sorry Vix100 - I didn't mean to worry you. In fact don't worry about cos' you are going to reassess in the New Year.

Handy hints for giving up fags and gum?
When you get an urge be lazy and think ... nah not now in a minute and then when that minute has gone the urge will have ( this gets easier the more you do it)
Avoid fag puffing mates
Have pocket fulls of nibbles e.g. grapes/raisins/jellybeans/marshmallows so you can chew on of those when the urge comes along.

21-12-06, 15:40
No, that's ok, Samc100, it's kind of what I'd thought anyway.

Jill, I think i might try cutting them in half and maybe replace some with normal gum, like you suggest.

I wasn't really concerned that i was still using them until i realised that it seemed to be exacerbating some of my symptoms.

Anyway, thanks for the tips guys and good luck giving up in the New Year Jill.

VIX xx

lesley mitchell
21-12-06, 17:22
i gave up smoking ten or more years ago now and am still chewing the gum. i have tried ordinary gum but because i have veneers and false teeth i can't use the ordinary gum. i just keep chewing and think at least it is not going into my lungs. people have remarked, but i think so what. at least i'm not smoking and being unsociable. so far i have noticed no side effects, and yes i admit i am addicted. there are worse things out there. they have anti smoking clinics, someone shouls set up a clinic for the gum chewers.

21-12-06, 20:45
I too gave up smoking recently and found the gum made me anxious, too! I have stopped the gum now, as it was also causing me to build up unnaturally large jaw muscles!! I suppose it would contribute to anxiety as it is still pumping nicotine into the body. Also, your stomach thinks you are going to eat, so it produces stomach acid and starts churning - if you became aware of this, it might make you feel worse. Well done for stopping smoking, though - thnk how much healthier you (we!) are!!