View Full Version : Are you in the same boat?

10-08-14, 14:51
Hello everyone, Ive been suffering with severe anxiety and panic attacks for about 20 years. Its getting progressively worse. I'm currently taking mirtazapine to help me sleep, but nothing else. I've tried hypnotherapy, CBT (twice) plus numerous other drugs over the years and nothing seems to work. I struggle every day and it is emotionally and physically draining. I'm scared to go out, to get on any type of transport, to go into shops and just go anywhere away from my home. I also suffer with IBS and my main problem is when I get anxious or panic it goes straight to my stomach and I need to toilet straight away. It may seem silly to some but I just want to feel normal! I avoid most things which has pushed friends and family away from me and daily life is a struggle. All that being said, I have a wonderful teenage son who makes life worth living and a loyal little dog who sticks by my side. Hope everyone who reads this is having a positive day. Keep your chin up and thanks for reading!

10-08-14, 22:28
hi, I'm new here too :)
Have been feeling like you for 20+ years
Today is the first day I've been stress-free for years .
I listened to a lecture on youtube by dr.tony bates on
"coming through depression" ..
where you learn a new way of reacting to your thoughts/emotions..

I've been so exhausted by not being present ij the here/now
and wishing my feelings were different.. which sooo leads to inner turmoil
as you try to analyse whilst in a poor state/mood.

it just doesn't work,
and further research can explain how we are wired so it will never work;
because we're using a model/technique that isn't appropriate during anxiety/panic/depression ..
but there is hope because we can practise a mindful awareness technique
which literally changes our reality for the better .. wow
isn't that incredible ? I feel so liberated whilst being aware
that the only thing that has changed is my way of looking at things,
so watching over myself much closer, much kinder, much more aware
Its like being intimate with yourself , you've become your best friend :)

anyway I hope to be around and connect with you again .

best wishes friend.

11-08-14, 19:09
tough day today, challenging thoughts overwhelm, so been feeling low, and have struggled today to be present and awake/aware .. realise that therapy of whatever kind is going to require alot from me .. how's it going AA40? :hugs:

11-08-14, 19:53
Hi mindful.
Sorry you have had a tough day
Tomorrow will be a better day for you.
When you are overwhelmed with negative thoughts - try some self-talk: "STOP! These are not healthy or helpful thoughts". Capture those negative thoughts in a diary & then leave the diary & those overwhelming thoughts until the next day.
Try to distract yourself from your thoughts if you can.
With some courage, your fears will shrink away & disappear.
Believe in yourself - you are strong and you will get there.
Take it easy Irish.

Sleepy crow

11-08-14, 22:07
I like that "Take it easy Irish" :roflmao:
as it happens I'm in sussex, but I sure hate seeing all those union jacks
so I chose the old homeland, which I've not see for 20 yrs .. I'm a fake paddy.

anyway look that's good advice above, I have done a number of those things
like write things down, keep a diary , tried a movie, but its just adverts every 10 mins.

I'm worried about how to distinguish between the thoughts that are negative and unhelpful and those that even though they hurt, need to be paid attention to .

Its like what is real/fantasy .. real/imagined fears ... anyway story of my life.

seeing a counsellor tomorrow at 3pm have an appointment for screening
to see if I am suitable for group work/therapy ..
Like that self-belief ..
you take care now sleepy crow