View Full Version : Worried about vascular/heart/blood or something of the sort!

10-08-14, 15:39
I know I have anxiety, but lately it has been quite manageable.
My worries lately are minor chest pains (quite rare but still there on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd say 1-2), they are usually in different places each time and I can also pin point the location. Upper back pain (I did mention this to doctor and he said could be posture related). Strong pulse (I mentioned this to my doctor he checked my stomach as I was worried about AAA and he said was fine). Fast pulse (Never gets below 80 although I am aware resting HR should be when you first wake up rather than if you've just sat about for a while.
I am also worried that little activity causes my heart to feel as though it is pounding, even walking up the stairs causes it to pound (I checked last night when I went to bed and it was 136).
I also have spider veins and my 'normal' veins are very noticeable, I am very pale but even still.

This last year I have gained 12lbs and am virtually inactive. I am hoping that my 'symptoms' are due to being unfit however I am too scared to get fit in case I have something wrong with me. I used to be on Propranolol for panic attacks but have come off them so was wondering if this could cause increased HR (although I have been off them almost 9 weeks now).

I am not losing sleep or anything over this as I know it is highly unlikely to be anything sinister, but I am worried almost everyday and I keep thinking what if eventually I just drop dead for something that could have been treated with meds? The only test I've had was an ECG in March 2013, which was fine but was so long ago.

Female healthanxiety
10-08-14, 15:46
Hello Kee Kee

Hope your well? Haven't seen you in a while and I was pretty much really good so looks like we have returned at the same time.

I could have written your post!

With the chest pains I used to get my DR would always ask me 'K, if u had the same pain in your leg/foot would you be as concerned'!

I remember you saying you've had tests within your previous posts? Try and not worry hun I know it's easier said then done. I now have the horrible numbness in my left arm and hand and convinced myself that my grip in the left hand is weak :-( I any shake it off and have been like this on and off for about a week.

I feel like just staying sitting down for fear of doing anything physical, even washing up!

Like your pulse has been so fast these days I can even see my pulse in my wrist and my stomach.... But we need to keep telling ourselves our body is in anxiety mode at the moment!

Have you ever tried deep heat in the areas?

10-08-14, 15:54
Hi Femalehealthanxiety, thank you for your quick reply.
It's nice to get a break from it isn't it, although so disappointing when it comes back.
I have had tests for other things (kidney function - no idea why, thyroid, H Pylori and Hormone levels), but no heart ones. I know I would have had some by now had the doctor thought anything was wrong, but at the same time I feel I have no real reassurance.
I haven't tried the heat thing, would that be with pads or the creams you can get or either? Where would I use it? To be honest I haven't done much lately just wallow in self pity hehe no the wonder I'm worrying about health.
Sorry if I've missed parts out I'm responding on my phone and can't see any posts :-)

I also forgot to add, I sometimes get palpitations when I change positions, is this normal?

---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 15:53 ----------

Ah! If I had the same pains elsewhere I wouldn't even flinch ha

Female healthanxiety
10-08-14, 16:02
Hey Kee kee

I'm on my iPhone too it's a bit annoying unless I scroll down!

Deep heat you can get from any chemist, boots, etc, even my local londis on the corner to the cream behind the counter.

I know it's horrible hun and I know how you feel and it's not nice, worry, symptom, worry, symptom!

You had an ECG in march and that would have shown any normalities - please believe me!

I get palps/ectopics when I change position, get up to walk, sit down, in the bath! Very common and have read many posts! - have you had any problems with your stomach/toilet lately?

10-08-14, 16:10
Thank you for your reassuring response, I may just try some of that treatment.
Also, whilst I'm not happy you get palps whilst changing position etc, it does make me feel that it is more normal. I too get them in th bath and when I have hot baths I get a racing heart so I haven't had a hot bathin a while haha!

I wouldn't say I have stomach problems but for a short while now (6 months maybe) I have softer stools that I used to (sorry for that info). I have mentioned it before at Docs and he literally said nothing haha so I guess he isn't worried by that. Although very rarely Bowel Cancer does pop into my my head but I usually let it pass straight out.

---------- Post added at 16:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:07 ----------

I do get a bit acid actually.

10-08-14, 16:42
Beta-blockers such as propranolol treat symptoms, in particular fast heart rates due to increased adrenergic stimulation of the heart induced by anxiety. When one stops taking them, and if the anxiety is still there, an increase in heart rate is normal. If the symptoms make you feel uncomfortable, talk to your doctor, maybe you need to resume those pills. I'm myself taking a beta-blocker, but I am willing to quit, I'll ask the doctor but I'm really scared that my heart rate increases dramatically.

If you had an ECG done in March 2013 I'd say it's about time to check your heart again. Maybe an echo, holter and stress test should be done as well, given your symptoms. ECGs are not enough to make a thorough evaluation of heart function. Anyway, most likely it's just anxiety. But having our heart checked at least one time per year is reassuring and thus it helps reducing anxiety levels.

Female healthanxiety
10-08-14, 17:13
No do not get your heart checked again... You will be feeding your anxiety and you've also seen the DR who does not have any concerns.... If you do you will just go round in a viscous circle, like a snakes and ladders board.

You were not told to return and there were no issues with your heart then.

ECGs are thorough, am sorry bit have never heard such nonsense in my life!

The electrodes on the different parts of the body detect electrical impulses coming from different directions within the heart. There are normal patterns for each electrode. Various heart disorders produce abnormal patterns. The heart disorders that can be detected include:

Abnormal heart rhythms. If the heart rate is very fast, very slow, or irregular. There are various types of irregular heart rhythm with characteristic ECG patterns.
A heart attack (myocardial infarction), and if it was recent or some time ago. A heart attack causes damage to heart muscle, and heals with scar tissue. These can be detected by abnormal ECG patterns.
An enlarged heart. Basically, this causes bigger impulses than normal.

You advising somebody who has anxiety to get checked every year for the same symptom is not very helpful.

10-08-14, 17:23
I fully disagree with the above. You have symptoms, you get checked, the results come back fine, you feel reassured. Sorry but that's how it works with me and I have diagnosed anxiety since 2006. And no, ECGs alone are not enough as a diagnostic tool in several conditions. There are people who've had MI and present normal ECGs. Otherwise there wouldn't exist other exams, such as echos, holters, stress tests. Some arrhythmias only manifest during stress. So get your facts straight!

Female healthanxiety
10-08-14, 18:19
Encouraging people to instigate there anxiety.

She had an ECG last year and has been checked by her doctors and also had tests. If there was anything significant do you think they would not have pursued it?

My dear... I have been through the whole stress test, holter monitor jargon. But you are not a DR and this is a a place people come to get some relief after a DR had told them there is nothing significantly wrong.

You mention getting your heart checked for 'reassurance' which is not good for anxiety!

10-08-14, 18:50
If you had an ECG done in March 2013 I'd say it's about time to check your heart again. Maybe an echo, holter and stress test should be done as well, given your symptoms. ECGs are not enough to make a thorough evaluation of heart function. Anyway, most likely it's just anxiety. But having our heart checked at least one time per year is reassuring and thus it helps reducing anxiety levels.

If you have a history of heart trouble then yes, an ECG etc. is recommended once a year or more. I had an ECG every three months for a year following my heart attacks. An echo was done a year out and now it's every six months. BUT, I've had two heart attacks, bypass surgery and stents.

To have these tests done for reassurance purposes, while it can offer some sense of reassurance, has been shown time and time and time again to be short lived. Palpitations, chest pain and other "heart like" symptoms are very common with anxiety. If tests have shown no physical cause then it leaves the obvious. The key is to treat the real illness which is anxiety.

I'm sorry Junot, this is not a good way to alleviate the issue. The fact that you've been doing this since 2006 and are still suffering from anxiety reinforces my statements.

KeeKee, your OP shows a lot of rationality. You obviously recognize you're having a blip here. You also recognize what you need to do to make yourself feel better. A sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits will most certainly cause you to feel the way you do. You'll be fine. Now, get off the couch and go for a walk! ;)

Positive thoughts

10-08-14, 19:07
Thank you all for your replies, I got a bit worried there for a moment as I have read previous posts where people had the symptoms I have, however it always feels better to hear it from members who you are familiar with and I never expected that. Also where I'm from they won't just send you for tests unless they believe you are displaying symptoms.

Also I really do need to get my act together. 13 week's ago I decided to come off antidepressants after almost 6 years so exercise may help with my moods. I have had a few different worries the other week it was ALS (it's calmed down a bit now although I'm still twitchy!) and it always comea back to heart issues, however when I have other fears the heart one is nowhere to be seen!

Thank you so much for replying l.

Female healthanxiety
10-08-14, 19:23

I agree. We all know looking for that reassurance is part of the anxiety cycle, gosh I myself have only done it recently, and have so stopped myself from going to A&E!

I find this site has stopped so unnecessary visits, as it's so nice to be able to relate to people that go through this!

10-08-14, 19:45
I don't suffer from HA but I've said here that I do experience some "scanxiety" come check up time. Back in Feb/March I experienced some pretty bad chest pain. I thought it could possibly be my heart again. Long story short, it was a combination of anxiety/stress and reflux. So, a new PPI along with a chill pill and learning CBT techniques when I feel the stress building up has alleviated the physical symptoms.

Certainly, coming off SSRIs after taking them for a period of years has it's complications as you're experiencing. Exercise definitely can counteract some of the issues. I know when I was dealing with some depression, forcing myself to go out walking despite absolutely no desire to do so proved to be very beneficial.

Positive thoughts