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View Full Version : Brain aneurysm fear :(

10-08-14, 19:10
I suffer from really bad HA. Right now, I'm living in constant fear of a brain aneurysm. My mum has a heart aneurysm, and I have been tested and it is confirmed that, genetically, I will be more prone to developing aneurysms :(
I'm 16. Yesterday I was at my aunt and uncle's, and it was hot out (no A/C inside either), and I started to get a headache. Immediately I thought aneurysm.
As well, for quite a while (at least since last year) I have been having this "throbbing" sensation in my head, or "heavy heartbeat" if you will. It feels like my heart is pumping a very heavy heartbeat, and this certain spot in my head (almost like a certain vein) twinges painfully. It often happens after walking up/down stairs, going for short walks, getting up from a chair, etc.
I've also been having more eye floaters than usual, and my left eye (which, coincidentally, is on the same side of my head as the brain pain is happening) has been having pain behind and above (around eyebrow-height) it.
I am not overweight (slightly under, actually). My blood pressure is super low (my mum says this is what is causing the "heavy heartbeats"). I had a brain scan last year and an eye exam last year as well.
So, best case scenario: heavy heartbeats (does anyone else have these??) are from low blood pressure, eye pain and floaters are from new haircut (bangs I got last month) or new habit of wearing mascara, and head pain is from heat (headache comes and goes, and doesn't stay in the same place sometimes, btw).
Worst case scenario: I have a brain aneurysm that's about to pop (ew).
Please help! I'm sick with worry, and everything online is in reply to people that don't have potentially hereditary aneurysms :(

10-08-14, 23:34
My blood pressure is low too and I also have heavy heartbeats and weird sensations in my head all the time. I think you are ok, anxiety and stress can cause all kind of symptoms, some of them similar to strokes and aneurysms. In my case, I live in constant fear of strokes even when I know I'm not a risk but I can't stop worrying lol, so I understand you.

Have you talked to a doctor about this? If not, you should go see your gp and explain what's worrying you, it's best than staying at home eating your brains out. But I really don't think you have an aneurysm, you are too young and the symptoms you have might be anxiety or something not so serious. How is your posture? I have bad posture and I suffer a lot because of it, it causes headaches, breathing problems, etc. TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) can also cause a lot of feelings in the head. Perhaps you have some vitamin-deficiency. Or nothing at all and you're super healthy (which is most likely). Best thing you can do, anyway, is talk to your doctor and relax.

I Hope you feel better soon!

10-08-14, 23:54
The pounding heartbeat feeling in any part of the body, commonly the head, is one of the most characteristic anxiety symptoms. In fact I've not heard of anything else that can cause it (though I'm sure that Dr. Google has). Floaters and head pains are also very common and well documented anxiety symptoms.

Brain aneurisms only very rarely cause any symptoms unless they burst, and if you had a burst aneurism the thing wouldn't be subtle, you wouldn't be posting on here for a start. When they do cause symptoms without bursting, none of the symptoms you have listed are amongst them.

11-08-14, 02:22
Your mum has a heart aneurysm and your prone to getting them, so what? Is that a guarentee that you will get one? Not at all! Its the same with cancer, you can put on SPF 50,000,000 sun tan lotion and still get melanoma. Life's too short to be spent constantly worrying about whether you're having an aneurysm or not. Yes, its natural that you will be inclined to worry, but don't worry until the time comes to worry.