View Full Version : In tears. I have no answers

11-08-14, 11:49
I was getting tested for chrons/dibetes/thyroid problems ,everything really to try and find out why I was having digestive problems and was losing so much weight

But all the results have come back normal and the doctor does not want to take further action.

I am in tears. I have lost so much weight my hip bones are sticking out making it painful to sleep. I am so exhausted from lack of energy

Despite eating 2000 calories a day and doing no exercise I ma still losing. None of my clothes fit me anymore.

I have lost two stone in total and honestly do not want to live anymore.

I hate my body and I hate not having an answer as to why this is happening to me! Which means I will be forced back into work despite being ill and still not coping with it.

I will probably be diagnosed with anorexia at this rate. But I am not! I have full fat everything, get stressed if I haven't eaten in three hours and despise my skinny ****ing body

11-08-14, 12:00
Over what length of time have you lost the weight? And is it since you've been anxious, or do you feel anxious because of the weight loss.

How much do you weigh, and how tall are you, if you don't mind my asking.

11-08-14, 12:07
Over what length of time have you lost the weight? And is it since you've been anxious, or do you feel anxious because of the weight loss.

How much do you weigh, and how tall are you, if you don't mind my asking.

Over two years. since I have been anxious and it also contributes to my anxiety and stress.

I look like a walking skeleton.

I am 8 stone and my height is 5 foot 6.

11-08-14, 12:31
Aw I am sorry to hear you are going through this, I've know people to suddenly lose weight for no reason to, have you had your thyroids checked? Sometimes over active or under active thyroids can affect weight loss/gain. Also anxiety could be making your adrenalin metabolize the food quicker but I am not sure. If you've had a lot of tests and are okay then you will probably be fine, it might just be a temporary thing. My bf lost a lot of weight even though it seemed like he was eating okay, try eating 6 small meals a day and taking supplements. Take care x

11-08-14, 12:46
It's worth remembering that anxiety makes your body work very hard. You're heart is beating quickly, your breathing increases and your energy reserves are directed to your muscles and brain. I used to be very skinny because of anxiety and since getting it under some control the weight has returned, and more!

11-08-14, 12:57
Over two years. since I have been anxious and it also contributes to my anxiety and stress.

I look like a walking skeleton.

I am 8 stone and my height is 5 foot 6.

This is the same weight you were in December of 2013 (from your own post about wasting away). Seems to me that your weight is stable. Based on the standard BMI chart you're actually very close to a normal weight for your height. Those charts are averages and some people are a couple of pounds plus or minus (everyone is different and unique).

Anxiety definitely can contribute to your self perception. I've seen posts where people have sworn that their hands were wasting away or they were losing fat on one side of their stomach (both of which are physiologically impossible).

From the tests, there's nothing physiologically wrong with you. You admit to and are obviously are battling psychological dragons. That alone can burn up calories as your body is in a constant state of alert. It's not only mentally exhausting but physically as well. I hate to harp on it but treating the real illness will help with your physical symptoms.

Positive thoughts

11-08-14, 13:04
This is the same weight you were in December of 2013 (from your own post about wasting away). Seems to me that your weight is stable. Based on the standard BMI chart you're actually very close to a normal weight for your height. Those charts are averages and some people are a couple of pounds plus or minus (everyone is different and unique).

Anxiety definitely can contribute to your self perception. I've seen posts where people have sworn that their hands were wasting away or they were losing fat on one side of their stomach (both of which are physiologically impossible).

From the tests, there's nothing physiologically wrong with you. You admit to and are obviously are battling psychological dragons. That alone can burn up calories as your body is in a constant state of alert. It's not only mentally exhausting but physically as well. I hate to harp on it but treating the real illness will help with your physical symptoms.

Positive thoughts

I want to thank you a thousand times for looking back at previous posts which I did not think to do. I did not realise that my weight has stayed the same. To me it appears that I am losing weight every day but obviously that is not the case.

I think the anxiety is maybe causing more harm to my perception of myself then anything. What you are saying is 100% right and I applaud you for speaking to be in a sensitive but matter of fact way.

11-08-14, 13:58
My g/f works out 3 to 4 times a week eating more calories than that and still loses weight. It depends on what you eat and how you workout.

Female healthanxiety
11-08-14, 14:12
Yea I agree with Fishmanpa.

I'm the same as you but more the overweight! I'm 11.7 stone and 5ft 5.

I used to exercise 4 times a week and eat 1300 calories a day and my weight still remained the same - just goes to show we are all different.

I am positive once you stop worrying about your results and the trouble of going through all of the tests (and I know for me they were the centre of my life at the time) things will calm down.

I glad your results were good and your completely healthy! That's a lovely cause for celebration.

You have to take every day at a time and roll with the good and the bad days. This site is fantastic for the bad days for support.

Smile and lift those muscles and let your body know you can be happy!

11-08-14, 14:24
Over two years. since I have been anxious and it also contributes to my anxiety and stress.

I look like a walking skeleton.

I am 8 stone and my height is 5 foot 6.

Okay. Over two years wouldn't worry me health wise. I was eight stone and your height until I got to middle age.

I have lost almost a stone in three months, due to being anxious. I suspect this may be why you have. If you have been checked by the doctor and given a clean bill of health, perhaps it is this. However, if you've been eating really well as you say, it could still be possible over two years, with anxiety.

Maybe you are fixating on it, as we do, and it is that that is causing the real problem?