View Full Version : Have been great and now it's back :(

11-08-14, 21:18
I used to be really bad then finally got a hang of it and had a great (my own) life back without panicking etc... But past few weeks BANG it's back.. The panic at racks just keep popping up now n then out the blue for no reason the little neg thoughts creeping in :( sometimes I can just ignore them an it goes away but a few days it's really taken hold,.,,,, WHY are they back :(

12-08-14, 07:45
I'm exactly the same at the mo. I was really bad then sorted for years then last year a big blip and have been fine for months but last week or two it's creeping back. I don't think there are any particular reasons. The triggers are probably different every time and often unconscious . The good thing is now you recognise it and know what it's all about you can nip it in the bud. It's demoralising for a while and a pain thinking 'not again! ' ' back to square one' bla de bla but it's not going to happen. In normal life our emotions are up and down it's just after anxiety there is a sensitivity there that can be more easily triggered by these normal reactions. Xxx

expecto patronum
12-08-14, 18:30
Hi Honeypie, sorry to hear you're having a rough time, I'm feeling a bit the same at the moment, try to remember you have found your way out of it before. Easy to say but when those thoughts creep in they can feel so all consuming. I am re-reading Claire Weeke's book including advice on setbacks, these are really helpful if you can get a copy.

12-08-14, 18:39
Sorry you are going through a bad time at the moment. It is just a 'blip' and you have got through it before so can do it again. Change those negative thoughts into positive and kick the anxiety away :buttkick::buttkick::buttkick::buttkick::buttkick: :buttkick::buttkick:

12-08-14, 19:23
Thanks guys just hate feeling like this :(

An was taking lactulose cos I was badly constipated n then managed to go for big poo then end was a bit watery now my mind thinking bug

12-08-14, 19:57
I know how you feel. The problem is also, if we get a cold or a bug, we can't sort out the anxiety symptoms from a general illness we might get? :unsure:

12-08-14, 20:05
Because am emetophobic anything going on in my stomach etc kicks me off I took the lactulose to help me go loo but now I've gone and last small bit was bit watery my mind going over time