View Full Version : Oh my god.Robil Williams killed himself

12-08-14, 07:49
Cant believe what i heard on the tv this morning.Acotor Robin Williams has killed himself.he suffered with depression.jesus christ.when i hear of someone kill themselfs that suffered with depression it allways scares me.i think ,they were famous have tons of money but suffer depression like me .they have all the money in the world top docrors etc but still they are unwell.what chance do i have suffering with depression what if i get that low would i kill mysef...i hate hearing of people killiing them selfs.

12-08-14, 08:56
Calm down. You're right, he had loads of money and access to the best docs but he must have spent most of his life hiding from it all.

Not everyone with depression wants to kill themselves and not everyone who kills themself is depressed. You're a fighter, I don't know you well but from the struggles you have gone through with homelessness but you still have a positive outlook on life. You also know that if you feel that way you have all the support on here, Robin Williams probably didn't have that.

12-08-14, 09:00
Cant believe what i heard on the tv this morning.Acotor Robin Williams has killed himself.he suffered with depression.jesus christ.when i hear of someone kill themselfs that suffered with depression it allways scares me.i think ,they were famous have tons of money but suffer depression like me .they have all the money in the world top docrors etc but still they are unwell.what chance do i have suffering with depression what if i get that low would i kill mysef...i hate hearing of people killiing them selfs.

I hate hearing it too. I also feel that if people like him with the money to get themselves the best help going can't then ordinary people like us stand little chance but I also think that he was probably under immense stress being such a public figure and that must be very hard to deal with whilst suffering.

12-08-14, 09:12
poor guy i loved him such a good actor.funny you would never have thought he had depression.allways so happy and funny on the camera..Wabbit the only reason why it shakes me up hearing about people that kill themselfs is because 10 years ago i was a avarage normal happy go lucky confidant guy.then my next door neaubor and friend beat me uo in front of all my family and friends then said to me,because of you im going to kill mysekf.he then went straght uo to his flat there and then and hung himself.it was that event 10 years ago that sent me into depression and anxiety and has mde me suffer ever since and made me into who i am today.it allways scares me when i hear of anyone killing themselfs.makes me think they must bee suffering like me or worse.so a sensetive topic for me.

12-08-14, 09:15
Greg sending you a hug.:hugs:
I don't know you well but I feel you could do with one.

12-08-14, 09:19
thanks helen.very kind.you to

12-08-14, 11:24
omg gregg i was just about to post on here reguarding the same feelings you have, as like you even the word depression or suicide or if i here of some one who has depression or kiilled them selfs it scares the life out of me and i think omg wat if get it and end up killing myself, i was going to ask on here if anyone else thinks like that and if they had any answers as it really makes me so scared, i dont know if its because my sister who has sufferd with depression for30yrs and she has tried to kill her self a few times even done it at my house and its always been methat has to deal with her so i dont know if thats the reason ,if you read my last post its says im petried incase i have depression so gregg your not alone i feel the same, can i askwould i know if i had depression ? thks

12-08-14, 12:24
trica.good to hear im not alone.sorry to hear your sister has been unwell for so many years thats such a shame and must be hard for you to knowing she is depressed for such a long time..soty didnt understand the last part of your post..starts with
can i ask

12-08-14, 13:14
I cried when I heard the news this morning, Robin Williams made me laugh so much. It doesn't matter how much money any one has. Yes we could get more treatment if we had more money. It is usually the people who don't go for help, who suffer in silence who end up taking their lives. Greg you always seek help either from your GP or from your NMP friends.
It is so important to seek help when you need it and to talk about your problems.
Tricia you asked "would I know if I had depression?" yes I think you would know. Your doctor could also give you a questionnaire which shows what level of anxiety/depression you have.

12-08-14, 13:31
iv allways wore my heart on my sleeve.allways seeked help when i feel something isnt right with me.i guese my freind who hung himself must have suffered on silence because he refused to get help of any kind and would never talk about his problems that he so clearly had..if he did get help he would hve been hear today, and i would never have needed to come onto NMP .funny how things turn out.if it wasnt for my friend hanging himself after beating me up,i would still have been the old me and still with my wife and kids.just goes to show.one random event can change the course of your life.

12-08-14, 13:50
It can Greg and that is really sad, it shows how much of an impact it has on other people which I guess is a really good incentive for us to be strong and to seek help to get us through it. Too many lives have been wasted. I know a few people who have taken their own lives, such a waste, if only they had sought the help. It is a tough journey to get through but we can do it and I am sure that with determination and the right support we can be happy again.
Just over a year ago I felt like I just wanted to die but here I am this year much better and looking forward to my daughters wedding. What a lot I would have have missed out on if I hadn't had the help to get me through the darkest days. A lot of it is thanks to you lovely people on NMP.
I am sure Nicola setting up NMP has saved many lives...Thank you Nicola :)

12-08-14, 14:02
Well first Im glad you didnt take your own life because i would have missed my NMP budy.second you are right about getting suport on hear to survive.i dont think i could havr coped through my dark times without NMP and all the friends in hear.and as you day a big thanks to nicola for helping us all.

12-08-14, 14:07

12-08-14, 15:02
Robin also had drink and drug problems - I'm just saying this for those worried about suicide, drunk and drugs is so often behind it. Miss him terribly, let's remember his best moments.

12-08-14, 19:04
Gregcool it just goes to show all the money in the world cant make you better ,poor guy must of been in a terrible place god love him ,he was such a great actor what a loss xx

12-08-14, 19:28
Gregcool, I had a friend who was a famous person who took his own Life and it really shocked me. He never told anyone he was going to this, and his Life was full of engagements and he was financially secure. I did know that he suffered from depression and he had some personal problems, but normally family and close friends do not know when someone is about to take this action.
This Site is a Godsend for loneliness, friends, advice and help. I am sure you would agree.

12-08-14, 21:49
all very sad such a great loss

12-08-14, 23:09
Gregcool sorry for what you have been through that must have been terrifying.
I feel awful on robin Williams, I was watching family guy last night and it was the episode where Peter was turning everyone into Robin Williams, such a coincidence.
I read about that actor who said he was selfish, I hate such ignorance. People will never understand.

NE21 worrier
13-08-14, 00:31
RIP Robin Williams.

I was lucky enough to grow up watching a lot his films (Aladdin (in which he was the genie), Jumanji, Flubber) - and Good Morning Vietnam was probably one of the first 'adult-rated' films I ever saw. I even remember the repeats of Mork & Mindy on Channel 4 in the summer holidays in the mid-nineties... nanu nanu.

I'm not normally one for tying myself in knots over celebrity deaths - but the circumstances of this one has left me profoundly sad for most of the past 24 hours - although this has just fitted in with my low mood generally.

It's hard to say why exactly I feel like I do - the new job on evenings is going well, my confidence appears to be growing there, and I'm feeling a lot less anxious (esp in terms of physical symptoms).

However, to say the very least, I am not making as much of my days as I would like, lacking the motivation to do so - and, every time I try to put a rocket up my backside, I am able to procrastinate and waste more time, generally on the internet, reading blogs and news sites. I guess I desperately need to break this cycle.

Apologies for hijacking the thread,

13-08-14, 02:30
I only saw this on the evening news and I couldn't believe it. I didn't know he had any issues as I had only seen his public persona in films or on chat shows.

I do often wonder about the actors that often portray highly emotional roles and show this in their interviews e.g. Jim Carrey.

RIP Robin Williams. A versatile actor who did a lot of comedy but could put in a serious appearance where required in Good Morning Vietnam and played a sinister character in One Hour Photo.

There are some films I always think of when I hear his name such as Jumanji, Mrs Doubtfire, etc but I think he played an excellent role in Awakenings with Robert De Nero.

---------- Post added at 02:30 ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 ----------

I'm not normally one for tying myself in knots over celebrity deaths - but the circumstances of this one has left me profoundly sad for most of the past 24 hours - although this has just fitted in with my low mood generally.

It's hard to say why exactly I feel like I do - the new job on evenings is going well, my confidence appears to be growing there, and I'm feeling a lot less anxious (esp in terms of physical symptoms).

I have found that if I am feeling lower, I can be more emotional than normal and I feel things more deeply. When I'm not feeling low, things don't affect me as much when I hear them.

13-08-14, 09:03
He had different demons to contend with. And it is worth remembering that not every depression sufferer will take their life. I am still deeply saddened by the news because I know from experience that pain and loneliness felt to make that decision to take one's life, it's a pain I wish I could take away from everybody.

Whilst it should not take a loss of a much loved person, at least this will boost the publicity on depression as an indiscriminative illness.

13-08-14, 15:00
One of my deepest fears is becoming so depressed that suicide becomes an 'option' so of course hearing about Robin Williams sends my anxiety and obsessive thinking into overdrive, making me feel very unsettled and paranoid.

Some days I'm constantly analyzing myself, wondering how I'm feeling, asking myself how I'm feeling, it's really irritating!

I've had low points with my anxiety and I always worry that I'll get so overwhelmed some day and become truly depressed.

I just feel for Robin so much, he must've been going through such mental torture. I'm also surprised by a statement his daughter released in which she said "...While I’ll never, ever understand how he could be loved so deeply and not find it in his heart to stay..." This makes me mad, does she not understand depression? That's quite an insensitive thing to say in my opinion, it's like she's saying he's a horrible person for taking his own life even though he was loved so much. Depression doesn't work that way, even I know that. Poor guy, I really do hope he's now at peace.

14-08-14, 03:10
One of my deepest fears is becoming so depressed that suicide becomes an 'option' so of course hearing about Robin Williams sends my anxiety and obsessive thinking into overdrive, making me feel very unsettled and paranoid.

Some days I'm constantly analyzing myself, wondering how I'm feeling, asking myself how I'm feeling, it's really irritating!

I've had low points with my anxiety and I always worry that I'll get so overwhelmed some day and become truly depressed.

I just feel for Robin so much, he must've been going through such mental torture. I'm also surprised by a statement his daughter released in which she said "...While I’ll never, ever understand how he could be loved so deeply and not find it in his heart to stay..." This makes me mad, does she not understand depression? That's quite an insensitive thing to say in my opinion, it's like she's saying he's a horrible person for taking his own life even though he was loved so much. Depression doesn't work that way, even I know that. Poor guy, I really do hope he's now at peace.

It could be grief at this stage, anger can be part of it and it can make people act out of character so maybe she will understand more later as she deals with it.

It's the old cliche that taking your life is a selfish act. I don't subscribe to this as it could also be the most painful decision you ever make knowing what you will cause but still can't see another way out.

I consider this as as I consider anxiety & depression, unless you go there, you can't fully understand it.