View Full Version : What makes you happy?

12-08-14, 10:30
(sorry if this is in the wrong forum I wasn't sure where to put it)

I've been suffering with anxiety before I even knew what anxiety was. Recently some negative events happened and I've been really evaluating my life. Eventually, I ended up asking myself If I was happy.

I answered the question right away: no. I'm not. But why?

I talked to several people about it and I've come to some conclusions:

1. My expectations of happiness are too high.
2. I focus on the negatives instead of the positives.
3. I spend too much time worrying about what I can't control.

So, I've decided to come back to this thread as much as possible and write down 3 things that made me happy that day, I hope you guys can join in!

I'll start for today:

1. I got to spend time with my boyfriend and watch a new tv show that I enjoyed
2. I got to talk to and get to know better two new friends
3. I got to sing while driving for an hour today

12-08-14, 11:54
Why am I unhappy?
1. I'm fed up always feeling tense and worried
2. I'm struggling to keep plans to see friends
3. Feel like anxiety is taking my life away

Why am I happy?
1. My work took in cakes to celebrate my birthday
2. I'm giving out the cake and making people smile
3. I've got lots of people keen to help me get better
4. I had a lovely birthday with nice thoughtful presents
5. I realised how many people care about me
6. I can cope with more than I even realise.
Boom, got to make it a rule that the happy ones are more than the unhappy!

12-08-14, 12:15
Why am I happy?
1. Got a pay rise because my work weren't paying me enough
2. Get to play in my ten pin bowling league tonight which I love
3. Hopefully hear if I get the keys for my first flat tomorrow :)

I think we should all be doing this everyday to remind us of what makes us happy :)

12-08-14, 14:26
Love this thread. Everyone should post in it regularly. Certainly nothing wrong with focusing regularly on what makes you happy.

Just can't think of anything to put in today :-p
I will do though, I'll have a think.

12-08-14, 14:38
Oosh you've got to think of some positive things! You give so much good advice to everyone you must be able to think of positive stuff!

12-08-14, 14:48
I always find something to feel happy about. It's one of the exercises I do every single day.

1. Woke up without a ton of pain!
2. Cuddle time with my Chiquita before getting out of bed.
3. New tires on my truck!

Positive thoughts

12-08-14, 14:52
Haha you'd think wouldn't ya.

It's just being a bloke I like blokey things and the first few things that popped into my head leave me quite worried about what they say about me lol

My first thought was Liverpools first game of the season on Saturday.
And I would never reveal that to you lot because it makes me sound so shallow. Oops.

I've certainly worried myself now. Am gonna need to chew this one over haha
I'll have to come back when I've got something deep and meaningful like you lot :shades:

12-08-14, 14:57
If it makes you happy then really that's all that matters! We got new screens at work meaning I can go on Facebook more haha.. Not at all productive but still brings some joy to my life! Simple pleasures are the best!

12-08-14, 15:20
Ok, I think I'm gettin it, my new Salomon trail running shoes.
I've had them for about two weeks now but still can't stop looking at them.
I spent weeks choosing them.


(Picture is of someone else's)

12-08-14, 15:23
I'm always happy too but now and again (like today) I find something to worry about or dwell on. Bypassing that, here's my happy list for the day:

1. I'm going to zumba tonight to dance to fab music & meet up with crazy friends - I'm addicted!

2. We decided today that this weekend we are booking next year's holiday :):) - this makes me very happy!

3. The pain in my armpit/arm seems to be getting better this afternoon despite writing a long-winded post earlier today about how bad it's been for the past week. Result.

4. There is a big bar of cadbury chocholate in my fridge which I'm looking forward to eating later (after zumba!!) and if my other half doesn't get to first.

12-08-14, 15:24
my 2 year oldson makes me happy :)

13-08-14, 00:25
I am absolutely loving the responses :D definitely the point is to acknowledge the big and little things!

Heres what made me happy today:
1. I got to sleep in today after waking up early yesterday! yay sleep!
2. I took a really nice hot bath
3. I made plans to see a few friends that I haven't seen in over a year and I'm excited to see them :)

NE21 worrier
13-08-14, 00:37
Good thread :)

1. I am understanding my new job role more and more, and I am gaining confidence in it. My little team all seem to be nice people, willing to help out. I am pleased with my decision to change jobs, even if it has meant a drop in hours and evening shifts.
2. I went for a walk this afternoon to break up the monotony of my day. It was blustery but at least it didn't rain.
3. A good friend sent a text to arrange meeting up on Saturday for the start of the new football season. I had got myself worried/paranoid that she was unhappy with me as I hadn't heard from her for a while - but I know she had been away with her girlfriend and, more realistically, she was probably just busy.


13-08-14, 01:14
1. I drove for the first time in six months on my own.
2. I bumped in to a friend unexpectedly and we went for coffee and a chat.
3. I had a lovely evening chatting to my friends on NMP.

13-08-14, 01:14
What has made me happy today?

1- Got the chance to enjoy the rain
2- My fags have lasted me all day so far!
3-I made a new friend online
4-My journey out was a very good one, as I only got anxious once
5- I had some chicken dippers :-P

13-08-14, 02:00
Why am I unhappy ?

1. Unemployed
2. Very few friends
3. Feel anxious nearly all the time

Why am I happy ?

1. I have a supportive family
2. My dog :D
3. Spoke to a friend recently
4. I saw my 2 half brothers and my dad recently, it's really cheered me up and I've been less anxious and depressed.

13-08-14, 04:52
Why am I happy?

1. I had the day off from work
2. I spent time with my little brother
3. I ate delicious Mexican food with my loving mother (Bean and cheese burritos are the bomb)

:) love this entire thread

14-08-14, 08:43
what made me happy today :D
1. got to hang out with several friends that I haven't seen in months!
2. I acknowledged how I stepped out of my comfort zone and succeeded :)
3. I had great conversations today

14-08-14, 13:33
1. Sorted a problem at work with a delivery and felt smart when I found out it wasn't my fault at all!
2. Had chocolate cake with lunch
3. Seeing my friends tonight!

14-08-14, 13:57
This thread is a nice idea.

Today for me:

1. The weather is beautiful out.
2. I have 2 different job interviews this week so I am really hopeful that a job will come out of one of them.
3. I have a supportive and loving husband.
4. I have the afternoon off today!

14-08-14, 19:16
To spend money makes me happy. Short and sweet. It works better than Xanax or Prozac. I think my anxiety is related to my obsession for spending money. It is never enough to do all the things I want to do because they are so many and often so expensive.

14-08-14, 19:44

1. My kitty snuggled with me all morning. He's such a sweet boy :)
2. Having friends and customers Trinity River Band in house recording at work. They're AWESOME!
3. Pizza for lunch! :D

15-08-14, 17:57
1. Had a great time with my friends last night
2. It's the weekend!
3. Going to spend the evening painting

16-08-14, 00:02

1. new episode of my favorite television show!
2. stepping out of my comfort zone was really rewarding today. I made some new friends; first time in over two years which was really nice.
3. all of your posts are really great to read :)

16-08-14, 17:48
Going to end up spamming this threat with positivity, but that can't be a bad thing!
1. Went out and did heaps today even though I woke up not wanting to leave the house
2. Went on an adventure driving alone - major step for me!
3. Spent the day with my boyfriend
4. Sunny and warm up in scotland again
5. Kept my panic and negative thoughts at bay so far today

All in all, quite a positive day for me! Woo!

16-08-14, 18:06
I want to try to do this more too ...

1. Beautiful weather today
2. Got a good workout in even though I didn't sleep well and wasn't motivated. Felt much better after.
3. Having a good hair day!

17-08-14, 18:45
1) no time to clean house, iron, wash clothes, tidy.
2) hate home and desperate to improve it but short on cash
3) I barely sleep, work full time and manage a business with a toddler. Exhausted.com!

Happy today?
1) my toddler said 2 new words
2) I had lamb for Sunday dinner!
3) I ate lots of crap....

17-08-14, 18:50
1. Fantastic Gig last night!

2. Sleeping in on a Sunday morning

3. Bar-B-Que for dinner :)

17-08-14, 23:33
My beauiful kids they my world xx

My three dogs they are my best friends xx

And life because its a gift xx

18-08-14, 07:22
1. Completed my painting I was working on
2. Half day at work today
3. BBQ tomorrow hopefully
4. Typing this on a Monday morning that is cold and windy and too too early

18-08-14, 08:47
My mum and dad (a tad less so, sorry dad) make me happy. I'm gonna miss them when they're gone. Long way off yet hopefully.

Kind, supportive people make me happy.

The cool ending at the end of "The Last of Us" PS4 makes me happy.

Let's be honest, my iphone makes me happy.

Spotify (on my iphone) makes me happy.

Going back to Liverpool makes me happy. Never used to.

Sunny days make me happy. Get lost epic rain showers drowning everything and everyone and bringing ventures outside to a halt.

My first cup of tea of the day makes me happy.

23-08-14, 07:32
what made me happy today:
1. I survived my first week of work (and the first week of the semester at university), woohoo!
2. talked to a lot of people this week and I enjoyed it :) (I'm usually shy)
3. had a great evening with my boyfriend

I'm looking forward to this weekend since I'll have time to wind down from how busy I was this week. Maybe I'll take a nice hot bath tomorrow and relax :D

23-08-14, 11:50
1. Went shopping and bought lots of nice food
2. Just had a very nice jam scone
3. No plans for today so going to have a nice lazy afternoon!

09-09-14, 21:20

Order it !
Order it !
Run at it like a headless chicken !
It's gonna be too big !
But it's a new iphone and I'm due an upgrade RIGHT NOW.

I'm gonna be so happy once I have it, my life will be complete :)
(My life won't be complete)

(It's gonna be too big. It's gonna annoy me that it wont fit in my pocket)

Too late, my eyes have glazed over and I've pre-ordered it *slaps hand over mouth*

:yahoo::doh: :yahoo:

09-09-14, 22:06
1. Disneyland makes me happy. :cloud9:
2. My dog (Rubie) makes me happy! :woof

...when she's not being a bad puppy. :sign20:

3. Being surrounded by positive, quirky, and laid-back loving people make me happy. :grouphug:

10-09-14, 19:28
Hmm.had to put some thought to this.
My dog Jazz who has been through so many operations in her short life and still grins like a puppy! She makes me happy and inspires me. The greeting she gives me when I come home from work!

Music. Gary Numan at the moment. Loud, quiet. Don't care just give me Brilliant music.

The sun in the mornings this time of year. Gold, red, orange.

There are many many more things.

11-09-14, 21:15
1. Doing well at work and learning heaps!
2. The weather is nice and summery again
3. Working out a plan for the weekend
4. New jacket arrived today and it's really nice
5. Watching tv in the evening and lazing about

11-09-14, 21:44
What a fantastic thread, wish there were more like this.

1. I got news that I'd finally been booked in at a wellbeing centre and can start next week.
2. Thanks to my medicine I'm better at controlling panic attacks (I still have them, but they're haven't been as severe as they used to be *touches wood*)
3. I played on my computer today, at the moment that's every day but I'm happy when I'm doing that.

11-09-14, 21:55
1. Football makes me happy (playing and watching Southampton FC - might be stretching the enjoyment part there a bit).
2. Yoga makes me happy.
3. Writing makes me happy - bloody love it in fact.
4. Music makes me really happy - even when it's sad. Sometimes, especially when it's sad - looking at you, Morrissey. ;-)

PS: Listening to 'Four' by Bloc Party at the moment - haven't listened to it in a couple of years. It's nice to spend an evening rediscovering an album you forgot about!

28-09-14, 18:14
1. My new job is going well!
2. I'm doing well so far this semester in university
3. I've been keeping myself busy and pushing past my comfort zone almost everyday.

29-09-14, 10:20
Only new to this but think it is a good thing to do, what makes me happy:

1)Going to Florida in 3 weeks with my family and friends. I always feel at home out there.

2) excited about meeting my new nephew when he is allowed out of the hospital and seeing my daughter's face light up when she meets her baby cousin for the first time.

3) the lovely sunny weather we are having even though it is October on Wednesday!!!

4) waking up beside my wife, who is my best friend , every morning!!!

blue moon
29-09-14, 10:57
Being able to live without fear.

29-09-14, 13:15
a good nights sleep

29-09-14, 16:41
A day without anxiety make me happy:D

12-10-14, 18:23
Cheese and onion hula hoops

blue moon
13-10-14, 02:13
Being alive:yahoo:

04-11-14, 21:24
Treating myself to new sparkly pretty jewellery and some winter slippers