View Full Version : New Symptoms!

12-08-14, 19:51
Yeh, I know what you are all going to say; it's Anxiety, but just wanted to check anyway. I have been doing quite well in controlling my normal anxiety symptoms, but lately I have had some new stuff crop up that I can't seem to control or get rid of.
1. tenderness up my left arm; feels like a rash but no redness, actually nothing visual to see.
2. Difficulty getting up sometimes, my legs feel weak.
3. Dull ache in my legs, mainly calves and mainly the left leg; comes and goes.
4. Heavy legs, feel like I've been running miles and just moving lightly.
5. Tingly left hand; comes and goes.
6. Wheezing, just out of the blue, for a split second.
7. Coughing fits that feel like I am choking
8. Heart flutters and a feeling of banging out of the chest that I can not control with my breathing exercises.
Has anyone else had any of these? :scared15: Any tips?

18-08-14, 16:07
Have you been to the doctors about these symptoms carnation? I've got tired legs a log lately but I haven't been doing much so I don't understand why!

18-08-14, 21:59
No, I haven't Loubylou. I assumed it was all down to Anxiety. But, since I posted this thread the aches and pains have gone for now. I started telling myself it was Anxiety and it seemed to go away. I'll give it a while longer to see if it comes back. Us Anxiety sufferers can't help thinking there is always another illness looming and as my Dad had Parkinson's Disease, I worry constantly that I will get it too. :scared15:

22-08-14, 23:05
Hi Carnation. I'm glad your aches and pains gave gone for now. It's understandable for you to be worried after your dad's illness.

You are being very strong telling yourself it's just anxiety and the results are good!

---------- Post added at 23:05 ---------- Previous post was at 23:01 ----------

If you are wheezing and coughing could that be asthma?

23-08-14, 00:56
No, haven't got asthma, could be from shallow breathing when I get panicky and sometimes I hold my breath and don't realize that I am doing it.
Haven't had it lately, so it's probably that never-ending Anxiety!
Thanks for asking, I do appreciate it. :)

23-08-14, 01:44
You're welcome

I'm always up late if you need to chat just to take your mind off things. I worry the most at night. Do you have trouble sleeping?

I just had a panic from reading a post where the person was having muscle spasms and the docs sent her for an MS test, I just thought OMG I have those! I'd be too scarce to go for the test.

23-08-14, 02:20
Loubylou, I have muscle spasms all the time. If you say out loud; "Go Away", it's only Anxiety, they stop. They started 6 months ago and they have improved, only slight ones every now and then, thank God.
I do have trouble sleeping, that's why I am still up. If I go to bed a normal hour, I just don't sleep through. Waking up every couple of hours. This way, I just flop and sleep until morning. Get about 5-6 hours a night. You must be the same?

23-08-14, 02:28
I might just start saying that: go away!!

Docs must think I'm daft! I was diagnosed with an illness a few years ago that shocked me and now I'm worried that there is more to come and that I'm just unlucky!

Yeah I only have trouble sleeping during high anxiety periods. Do you find anything that helps?
Sounds strange but certain sounds send me to sleep like paper rustling and typing. They do a load of them on youtube and many people used them to relax.
Feel free to PM me anytime!

26-08-14, 00:40
Hi Carnation

How are your symptoms?

26-08-14, 01:24
Oh, you know Anxiety, get used to one thing, then it goes away and chucks something else at you. Got the sharp shooting pains in the head back again. I had these for 3 months solid and they just vanished. Hadn't had them for a good while until now. Just feels like being electrocuted all the time. I wouldn't mind if it knocked some sense into me, but afraid I am still an idiot! How are you? My sleeping has been bad of late, I walk around in a dozy state most of the time.