View Full Version : Friend's death, plus a terrible dream

13-08-14, 02:11
I thought I had my anxiety under control, because the last 2 months I was better than ever. And then my best friend's brother died out of nowhere. He was only 17, basketball player, never drank nor smoked. He was healthy and the doctors still don't know what really caused his death. And this horrible death scared me. I can't stop thinking that it could possibly happen to me. I was doing so good before this and now I feel like I'm right back at the beginning. He didn't have to die, he didn't have any reason to die. But he did and now my panic attacks are back and more than often I wake up at night gasping for breath, thinking that I'm going to die. And for things to get worse, yesterday I had a dream that all of my teeth were broken. I could literally feel the pieces in my mouth. I don't know whether I should believe that dreams predict future or are a reflection of our hidden thoughts or something, but I know I've heard somewhere that the dream means death.
I think I'm going crazy. His death is so stressful to me, and this dream ruined me.

13-08-14, 22:03
I don't think your dream meant you are going to die.

In my experience you dream about something you thought about or experienced that day, often without you realising it. Your imagination can also twist it all up so it's unrecognisable as the thing you had been thinking about.
Sometimes it's easy to link it to a thought and other times it's become very obscure.

I'm in the habit now, when I've dreamt, of thinking "where the hell did that come from" and I can nearly always find the link to something that occurred that day.

Sorry about your friend. These things are very, VERY rare.