View Full Version : Its been awhile-my story and Im back

13-08-14, 04:36
I was originally on this board almost 6 yrs ago. My dad had just gotten dx with end stage pancreatic cancer and at the same time I started having health issues: stinging/electric pains that would jump around ankles, feet, and hands as well as muscle twitching ALL over-thousands. Every single day. I started to panic: first I thought I had bone cancer, then was convinced it was ALS. All testing came back clear and I just lived with it. Eventually it tamed down but the stinging pains come back in flares and I still have twitching daily though not thousands.

6 months after my dad died I started having ab pain-I was dx with pancreatitis. They ran a tumor lab for the pancreas it too was elevated. My dr explained it can be elevated with pancreatitis. The tumor lab eventually returned to normal. However, I do have chronic pancreatitis. Mentally, Im slightly better with that but for years and years I was convinced it was pancreas cancer as it can often be middx as pancreatitis. I still have time periods of this fear.

Now hear I am going in for a biopsy of my left breast tomorrow to rule out inflammatory breast cancer-the most aggressive form and readiest-it moves lightening speed. Ive had a mark on my breast for a bit over two wks. At first I freaked out, then the dr calmed me down, then I started googling stories on how it presents and how drs are uniformed on this cancer so Im losing it again. I pray my biopsy is normal but I don't see how it can be. Its not normal to have a mark like this for this long.

If it comes back clear I am realizing after all this time that perhaps I need anti anxiety pills.

I ALWAYS jump to the most deadliest form of whatever that must be going on. The thing is, these are real concerns. I really do have a pancreas problem and it does increase the risk of pancreas cancer, I really do have a mark and thats how IBC presents. But I OBSESS over it. Is this normal? Do normal people do this? I think Ive looked at my bresat over 100 times today examining it.

14-08-14, 02:45
Typical signs of anxiety there k2626. I'd say us normal people with anxiety do that a lot. When I had blood tests done, I carried them with me and would analyze them a lot. Over and over.

We analyze and analyze and try to find something thats wrong. If something is out of the normal we freak out about it.

14-08-14, 03:03
Thanks-Ive been worried about Inflammatory breast cancer due to this red mark. Well today the dr felt a bunch of lymph nodes under the arm pit of affected breast. The mamo was clear, as was us-confirmed nodes. Now they want to do an MRI as the mamo doesn't see this kind of cancer.

Im losing it

30-08-14, 14:49
Hi, I can see that it has been a few weeks, have you gotten any helpful results yet? I went through something similar and after a node biopsy and skin biopsy it was simply lymphedema. Now of course I again have a red mark in that area but it's something that occurs every so often and I have to try my best to calmly observe. I hope that your has also turned out to be something other than ibc. Please update when you can.