View Full Version : Down day!

13-08-14, 12:56
Having one of those days!
Been told I could go back to work after being signed off for 2 weeks! Was feeling quite good about myself and managed to do my half day yesterday and was in a very good mood afterwards!
Then we get to this morning trying to get to work, again another half day. Got in the car and started to drive to work, when I felt a sudden surge of panic, I pulled over and calmed myself and off I went again. Got about 3 minutes round the corner and again another rush of panic, this time I could feel my heart racing faster, so again I pulled in. By this time it was 8:45 15 minutes to get to work! Added panic? Heart racing, sick feeling, dizziness, extreme tiredness I realised I was going to be late. Rang my boss and explained what was happening, she was very good and just said to try and calm down and ring her when I had done so! 45 minutes later I had managed to calm myself as much as I could minus the racing heart, tiredness and dizziness. I explained to her how I felt and she told me to go home and relax and to get a doctors appointment. So here we are again feeling like I'm fighting a loosing battle! And getting people to understand how I'm feeling is seeming to get harder as well.

Just needed to get this morning off my chest :)

13-08-14, 15:52
I am feeling down today also and despite being on Cipralex I have millions of butterflies inside me.