View Full Version : Anxious about CT scan

13-08-14, 14:19
Hi everyone.
So I'm back after a 3 month break :) I do have to say that I feel incredible. I feel like I am the closest to beating this demon ever since it all started. Life is wonderful, and I feel 'normal' again. And I simply could not have done it without the advice of some amazing people on here (Fishmanpa, CPE, Kate just to name a few, although this is probably a thread on its own lol).

However, I now feel a bit anxious about an impending CT scan. After my many many illnesses that I was convinced I definitely definitely had, I have found one I genuinely do have. I was rushed into A and E with suspected appendicitis but turned out to be a suspected Kidney Stone.

I now realize the meaning of true pain, and never again will I over exaggerate the pain I am in. Ever! I am due a CT scan ASAP and I'm really nervous. Despite having 10 different cancers and 7 aneurysms, the most I have ever had is an X-ray, and my best friend constantly has allergic reactions to the liquid he drinks before his CT scans. He also kindly told me that there is a chance of a life threatening reaction.

Just need some words of wisdom before my scan so I can stop being so nervous. I have done so so well and I intend on keeping it that way.

13-08-14, 14:47
Have they told you that you have to drink something as usually the dye is intravenous?

If you do have a reaction which is very very rare then you are in the best place to be treated immediately.

I have had loads of CT scans with no reaction whatsoever.

I don't think your friend is being very helpful telling you that you could die from it.

13-08-14, 14:58
Thanks Nicola :)

No I haven't been told I need to drink anything, just my friend has to drink a liquid every time he has one (either peach or aniseed flavour) and I just assumed this was the norm. I have no idea about the process as I've never had one before.

He's not very helpful I agree, he has been quite flippant about my HA but I don't think he quite understands the extent in which it used to affect me. I'm not too worried about it, which is a huge improvement for me just an niggling anxiousness in the back of my head. Thanks x

13-08-14, 15:03
Ok I have never had to drink anything - just had the dye intravenously injected and it is a funny cold feeling and they will tell you that you may feel like you want to wee yourself but of course you won't !

Good luck with it Roxy