View Full Version : I hate my leg!

13-08-14, 16:39
This will sound crazy, but I hate my leg & it's ruining my life!!
It constantly "rumbles" and aches in the thigh, It's smaller than the other leg (Proven by a doctor though he said in the normal range)

It has weird lumps and bumps & what feels like a hole in the muscle, all of which convinces me that my muscle there is wasting! And I undoubtedly have MND!

Appointment with the doctor exactly 7 days ago- had a totally normal neuro exam, all my movements & reflexes are fine. But my damn leg just feels bizarre!!! I feel like I'm walking on it funny, I feel hobbly, it feels like jelly after exercise, and the constant rumbling in it never lets me forget about it!!!
And now this freaking hole in my muscle has appeared!!!! This is making me crazy.
Also the fact I've lost 6kg lately, and cannot see where from other than the leg, I've not lost weight anywhere else, the only thing that feels different is my leg.

It's still really strong though, I mean a ran a 10km in just under an hour on Sunday, yesterday at the gym I can seat press 35+KG's & hip abduct 45+KG's.

I am in the process of setting up to see a counselor which will hopefully start next week, can't wait for that, I need help & to unleash my crazy.

Could the "rumbling" feelings all be in my head? They've been here for about 2 weeks now,
The "dent"/"hole" in my muscle, what's that all about?

Still can't shake the feeling that I have MND, my body will slowly shut down around me, trapping me inside & I will die a horrendous and unthinkable death

Today is not a good day!!!!!!
:( :wacko:

13-08-14, 17:06
Woah, this sounds exactly like me – it started with pain in my hip and is now ‘rumbly’ as you say and feels painful and numb.
Like you I can also run 10km in under an hour still and am training for a half marathon – could it be exercise coupled with tension from anxiety that is causing the problem??
I swear my right leg is smaller and has developed a ‘dent’ in the thigh muscle ... let me know if you find any answers!!

I’ve seen two docs about the pain and neither were concerned cause of my training ... only noticed the ‘dent’ and size difference today though so not asked about that!


13-08-14, 17:10
I also am training for a half marathon! (I've done a couple before) and this weekend I'm doing a Tough Mudder https://toughmudder.co.uk/ with a group of people (Yes I'm crazy!)

I'm relieved they weren't concerned about your "rumbling", is it slightly painful? Like it doesn't actually hurt you but the sensation is pain?

Does your leg also take longer to recover than the other after exercise and shake a a little from time to time?
Also let me know if you get any answers, it is the dent that I noticed about 4 days ago that is freaking me out now!


13-08-14, 18:06
I didn't mention the rumbling as I was just concerned about my hip but it is exactly how you've described!
It does take longer to recover so mayb it's just a weaker leg?!

Where is your dent?! Have you shown it to the docs?

Wow!! That's dedicated!! I've never done one before eek! Which half marathon are you doing?!


14-08-14, 09:38
My Dent is on the outside of my upper thigh, it's like grooves in the muscle, as far as I can tell, it really freaks me out. The muscle there just seems flatter and like it has a hole in it.
I've not shown this to the doctor, as I've only just noticed since I saw him.

I'm trying to stay away from the doctor and not go everytime there's a new thing because I don't want that to become like my comfort cycle- Notice something- freak out- Doc says it's fine- feel okay for a day or two, find something new & repeat!

My whole leg just like aches and when walking doesn't feel as strong or stable as the other.

The half marathon is the Royal Parks, it's beautiful, I've done it twice before