View Full Version : Hello, dear friends to be!

13-08-14, 18:07
Hello everybody! My name is Yiannis and I am 23 years old. I come from Greece and... that's pretty much the standard things one has to say in situations like this one, right?

I've been a sufferer of anxiety for more than 7 years now. I always thought it was something that would pass, eventually. That my mind could find a way to overcome what was troubling me. But guess what... As you know, things just don't work that way!

I realize now I can't continue my life untreated. I have to come in terms with what's going on in my body and mind. My anxiety is not a curse, it's a gift that's been given to me, in order to save me from big mistakes.

And I know exactly what that mistake is. I am one of those people that give value to others' opinions, way more than I should. I feel this persistent urge to succeed in this society, the problem being I don't like this society at all. I don't accept "the rules of the game", as they call them, therefore I'm in the middle of a big - subconscious and conscious - conflict.

I have been raised with this need for perfection. And even though I have come, with age, to disapprove of perfection as a concept, I always find myself making choices that could supposedly lead me closer to it. This exhausting pressure has got me down on my knees for the past year or so, with mild yet persistent manifestations of anxiety.

What worries me is that I've fought it for so long and it's still here. It may not restrict my life completely, but it certainly keeps me from doing all sorts of things I love.

I think it's high time I made a step forward. And I will do so by participating in this powerful and inspiring community. I'm glad to have found you, fellow sufferers. I need you as much as you need me and I'm ready.

13-08-14, 20:18
Hi Welcome to NMP :)

13-08-14, 21:58
thank you very much, Annie!

15-08-14, 19:41
:welcome: Yiannis!

15-08-14, 19:44
Welcome! You will find comfort here :)

15-08-14, 19:52
Hi and welcome lots of friendly people on here with very good advice xx

16-08-14, 15:02
thank you very much, all of you!!! :)