View Full Version : prescribed prednisone but afraid to take it

13-08-14, 20:45
Been having continuously bad sinus issues over the past 4-5 weeks, so went back to the doctor today. She gave me prednisone 10 mg to take once a day for 5 days to try to get the inflammation down, as nothing is working.

I'm really scared to take it. I'm afraid of side effects and because it supposedly weakens your immune system. I don't want to get really sick from it, especially if I am feeling sick already - afraid to get worse.

My logical brain says I am on a low dose for only 5 days, nothing to worry about. Also that my doctor wouldn't give it to me if it was going to make me sick.

Anybody have experience taking it?

13-08-14, 22:38

My husband takes this for his colitis. He has minimal side effects and the weaken immune he has caught the odd cold but nothing serious. He finds the good it does out ways the bad.

13-08-14, 22:39
Thanks, appreciate it :)

14-08-14, 01:03
I have taken it for breathing problems (turned out I was allergic to a long-haired cat I was "boarding" for a couple of weeks, lol!) A short course cleared it right up, and the side-effects I had were nothing to do with immunity. Not gonna lie, my side effects weren't fun, but thankfully, as soon as I was finished, poof! they were gone. Irritability big-time, anxiety - I was even annoyed at myself :P
It's short-lived though and nothing else works like it for stubborn upper respiratory stuff (outside hospital). ... Seriously, though, DO explain to those who you will be around that the side effects include some, um "over-tiredness"...
I did, with my hubby, but once I got cranky, he said "well, it doesn't mean you have to be such a b****" ... Actually, yeah, it does ... :(
Good luck! xx

14-08-14, 03:02
Thank you, Marie! I am noticing some anxiety, and have warned my husband a few times. Also a little muscle soreness. But also been working out so not sure which it is from...

I am glad to hear that it worked for you though!! This sinus stuff has been very stubborn for me and I am desperate, so I hope I also have good results. Appreciate your advice, as always :) :hugs:

14-08-14, 05:04

14-08-14, 12:08
Hi, I recently took Prednisone for awful bronchitis and asthma. I have to say it is a miracle drug for opening up the airways. Downside is insomnia big time and irritability! I felt quite angry on it although this could've been due to feeling awful. I was on it for 5 days although a stronger dose than you. Being a short course you shouldn't have too many dramas with it ☺

14-08-14, 13:43
Thank you, KLG. I'm sorry you had some side effects but glad after the course was over you felt better. I hope it helps me too!

14-08-14, 14:00
Taken pred several times, great drug, works very well.... no serious side effect for me.

14-08-14, 14:03
Thank you, that's reassuring :)

15-08-14, 13:58
Well, the first day of taking it wasn't bad. Yesterday I took my second pill and last night I felt really weird. I am still feeling it. It's like I feel jittery, anxious, and really hot. I also had a lot of trouble sleeping. Does this sound like it's from the prednisone? Or am I just sick?? Agh! 3 more days of the med.

15-08-14, 19:20
Ugh, classic prednisone. :mad::weep::scared15::mad:
I know, I know ...! :wacko:
Hang in there, hunni! Not much longer now! :hugs:
Marie xx

15-08-14, 19:42
Thank you for the encouragement, Marie :hugs: Just took the third with lunch today. I feel a little less jittery than earlier. Hopefully I get a better night's sleep tonight. My sinuses are still struggling along, so I hope it kicks in soon and gets them back to normal.

16-08-14, 18:48
Less jittery, still a bit anxious ... had trouble sleeping again last night. I was able to fall asleep but woke up every hour until I gave up and just got out of bed. Today and tomorrow are my last days with this!!

My sinuses feel slightly better. I hope it is long-lasting (beyond when I take the meds).

16-08-14, 19:19
Oh, yes, it really boosts and speeds your body's healing (steroid). That's it's function, so fingers crossed and you will be right as rain in a couple more days! :D
Me, I was so jittery throughout that it felt like I was coming out of my skin (or wanted to!) Just about the time I was ready to run screaming, I was done my course of it, thank God! Lol! :wacko:

19-08-14, 14:53
I took my last pill on Sunday and last night I still couldn't sleep. Then I had a breakdown and was so upset because I still don't feel better. I guess I just have to suck it up with these allergies until winter, but it's so bad this year.

I have tried every anti-histamine, only benedryl helps but that makes me so dry and tired and only lasts 4-6 hours. Of course it didn't make me tired when I was on the pred though lol ... tried the anti-histamines with the decongestant - nothing different except more awake, which I didn't want. Using a neti-pot twice a day (3x yesterday).

I'm fine if I am at work in the hospital because the air is so conditioned. But once I step outside to drive home at the end of the day I literally feel my sinuses filling up. Then I get home and I'm a mess by night time. I've gotten an air purifier, kept doors closed, but my husband forgets and got home yesterday and left the windows open all day. So last night was awful.

I feel badly like i am a nag reminding him over and over not to open the windows, especially because he likes the nice weather. But I am just miserable. UGH.

19-08-14, 17:35
Oh, sweetie, I feel your pain! I know, I get "snow mould" allergy and it's awful! Have to keep the windows closed as well, and beg my hubby to rake the yard to make it accessible to the drying effects of the sun. But that stirs it up and I have to hide in the bedroom, stupified with Benadryl :weep:

So sorry the prednisone didn't work for you. I had a meltdown every day on it, so you did well keeping it together til the end! Horrid, crazy med, rotten deal if it didn't knock it back! :mad:

Good luck, lovey ...!

19-08-14, 17:56
Thank you! You are too sweet. I am trying really hard to see this really anxious time as practice for me ... trying to use the CBT4Panic tips and pages on obsessive thoughts to get through ... because I keep thinking it is something worse than chronic sinusitis/allergies ... but I know why I think that and it is ok, so I am trying to just ride the waves ... easier said than done!!

Every day the allergy forecast is through the roof here. I am trying allegra now instead of zyrtec, as that helped the last time I had a bad time with summer allergies ... I guess I just have to stick it out until winter.

---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 ----------

Oh what a day... major blip time. I'm doing the CBT4Panic worksheets on obsessive thoughts and when it asks you to write down the deeper thought behind your obsessive thought, I actually wrote them down. I mean I know why I think this way but writing them down made me start sobbing. I am afraid I have something worse wrong with me because I am really afraid of facing an illness and dying. And I am afraid of that because that's what happened to my mom. And I know that - I have known that. But for some reason doing the work today made me really upset...

I am feeling pretty hopeless that this HA is something I will never recover from fully. I feel like I have been getting a lot worse lately. I don't want to go back on meds though. I want to beat this the hard way because that is more long-term. I just don't know if I can ...

19-08-14, 22:04
Gave in and made an appointment with an ENT ... feeling sick again today, sore throat, clogged sinuses. They can't see me until 9/8, so 3 weeks. Hey maybe I'll magically be better by then.

20-08-14, 00:27
Ha, I waited 4 months to get in for testing and it turns out I have two wee tiny little tears in my shoulder cuff. No one wants to tell me if they were probably bigger when I injured it back in December or not. Doc was singularly unimpressed :doh: ... Anyway, you an always cancel if you are better by the appointment time! :winks:

20-08-14, 00:29
Ugh! I hope your shoulder is better now! You're right, just sticking it out... if I'm better, then that's just icing on the cake and saves me the money of the appointment.