View Full Version : appendicitis - really freaking out

13-08-14, 20:57
Hi there, all of sudden i have been getting a sharp stabbing pain on the right hand side of my abdomen. Im so worried its appendicitis as i googled and its seems like its the right symptom. Im so scared as its late and i cant see a doctor and i have work tomorrow. Is tgere anything else it could be? Anyone had this symptom before?

Please reply asap

Love louise x

13-08-14, 21:20
Hello! :) I've had this symptom countless times before and freaked out every time thinking it was appendicitis but, turns out it was my IBS flaring up. So if you know you have IBS then this is probably what's causing it. But if not, try not to worry too much. If it gets worse go to see a doctor but i'm sure you'll be okay! Stay strong! x

13-08-14, 22:43
Hi, thanks for the reply. It seems to have gone now so mustve been ibs. I hate health anxiety so much.

Love louise