View Full Version : when will citalopram help me to feel better?? :-(

21-12-06, 20:10
how long do i need to be on citalopram also known as Celexa befor i feel better? :-(

been put on 20mg on it for (anxiety panic attacks depression stressed)

do you know if i can post links on this site? [8)]

21-12-06, 23:13
hi muchafraid,

I'm on 20mg Citalopram and it took just over a month to kick in for me. I did have a couple of major stressors during the first few weeks though.

Since then I feel a lot better and it is the first med I have taken that has made a difference for me. Previously I've had amitryptelene (sp?) and venalflaxine.

Stick at it, but also look for other supportive mechanisms to help you...this site being one.

Hope that helps, feel free to contact me if you need anymore advice.


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

21-12-06, 23:28
Hi Im on citalopram,as Iain said it takes about a month to kick in.I had some side affects but they went off after about two weeks.Stick with it,it will get better.

Ellen XX

22-12-06, 11:30
Same here, two weeks of side effects (bleurgh) and the drug didn't reach full effect for about a month. It's done me the power of good though, my wife says I'm a different person (in a good way I think!). Stick at it!

"Some days I wonder why I bother chewing through the leather straps."

22-12-06, 13:15
Hi, the Meds will help you get through a bad patch.
Not a miracle cure though, you need to be looking at what causes the problems.
Easily said ....... I still haven't sorted myself out ! lol[8)][Oops!]

take care

22-12-06, 13:34
I have been on Citalopram for three months (possibly four) and started on 10 then 20 then 30. i have been on 30 for a moth and I am only now feeling like they are having a real effect. I did feel effects before but not enough to make me feel better.
However, I think they really should be looked at as part of a combination therapy. I have been receiving CBT too and very helpful chats with doc. My doc is very understanding and offers a lot of patience. This all helps me feel better. And I have had all this time off work too.


22-12-06, 17:18
This usually takes a few weeks to 'kick in' . Try not to be put off by the side effects, they will subside. Definitely worth sticking with it though! I've been off it for 8 months now after being on 60mg per day for 5 months, and counselling for 2mnths.

As Dave777 says, not a miracle cure, but rather a 'helper' to assist you to sort out the 'roots'. Definitely easier said than done, I'm in the process too, but am determined to carry on where the Citalopram left off!

Take care

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

22-12-06, 18:00
Muchafraid - my doctor told me to give anti-depressants at least 6 months to get the full effect.

Yes you can post links on here.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

06-02-11, 10:17
I started citralopram 15 days ago, 10mg for the first 12 days now Im up to 20mg. I have had a few side effects but Im wondering how long it will take to feel better. I know its early days but Im so anxious