View Full Version : Just out of interest...

14-08-14, 08:00
Does anyone else in a public facing job role (or just out in public in general) ever get thoughts like: what would happen if I said what I was thinking out loud? Like sometimes I'll be helping a customer at work and I'll think 'why would you wear a shirt that says that on it?' Or something else mean, and then get curious/worried about what would happen if I accidentally said that out loud. I'm not sure if it's just normal when you're being so polite and not yourself all day to customers and everyone thinks this or my ocd tendencies are getting worse. Does this sound like ocd or just normal curiosity? I'm not actually worried I'll say it out loud, I know I can control my speech, it's more like perverse curiosity lol. Thanks guys. Oh and thanks for the replies on my last topic, I had a great holiday with very little anxiety :D

14-08-14, 10:40
The only time I think like that is when I'm trying to make myself laugh :)

I laughed a bit at you thinking of saying "why would you wear a t-shirt with that written on it".

I think because I'm quite inhibited, thinking of removing the filter and just saying what's on my mind to people, rude or not, cracks me up.

I was fixing my car one day and this little boy came over with twenty questions. Because he was a boy he had no concept of what was appropriate and was asking me all these inappropriate questions that I thought were hilarious.

If I thought thoughts like that when dealing with the public and what their reaction would be I'd be bursting out laughing all of the time.

I know what you mean though. Your mind can use just about any suggestion to worry you. That's what they all are, suggestions - "what if".
I'd say it falls snugly in the "what if" category.

I think you can use that one, manipulate it and make it go your way. Have a giggle at what you could say and what their reaction would be.

Glad to hear your holiday went ok.

14-08-14, 22:24
Thanks Oosh, it is pretty funny I guess! If its normal or ocd, I suppose it doesn't matter , it's all on how you see it and react. Better to laugh than get worried!! It didn't happen at all today, so who knows. And Thank you, life is pretty good still overall :)