View Full Version : What on Earth is wrong with me - Please stop me from walking out of Work

Female healthanxiety
14-08-14, 10:56

me again! :huh:

I finally went back to work this morning, due to me feeling very poorly since last week.

I have had this dizziness and fainting feeling since then. I went to the DRs on Tuesday and they said that I am probably just anxious (upcoming holiday on Saturday).

I explained I am just anxious about how ill I feel (if I didn't feel Ill I don't think I would worry), apart from the usual holiday anxieties.

she checked my ears, eyes, nose throat, chest and temperature and also my movements and said that everything looks OK. Take some paracetamol and get some rest (which I have been getting loads of already).

I have just started a new job (well 2 months ago) and last week was on holiday and was due to return to work this week, but have been off this week (just returned today) and of course feel bad as I am on holiday next week as well (that is if I make it).

I can hardly walk with the dizziness. I feel like I have something neurologically wrong with me...

I have the following:-


* Head pain on the right, which starts at my temple
* Same pain behind the eye and eyebrow
* Head twitches
* Same pain in my cheek
* Neck stiffness
* Shoulder stiffness (to the point sometimes hands and arms numb)
* A wind type noise in my ear (every now and then)
* Dizziness (when I am walking I feel like im not walking straight which make me panic) and when I am standing feel like I am going to drop
* My eyes feel really dazed (like how they are when you are drunk)

I went to the pharmacist yesterday and explained everyyyyyyyyything and she said that she can hear in my voice that I am anxious (weird she said I was talking fast, but I didn't think I was).

I gave her my prescription for Diazepan (which my DR gave me just in case I have any problems while away) - which I probably wont take as I have never before, and also gave me Decongestion tablets, nurofen and paracetamol with Codeine, which I took for the first time last night (not the Diazepan).

I felt great, relaxed and also my head didnt feel so heady and I did not feel so dizzy, so I took this opportunity to do some cleaning (which I haven't been able to do for a week).

I wake up this morning and here it is again.

It is my first day back at work, and I feel like I am going to pass out.

Someone please message me, I am at my wits and just want to run from work...................... xxxx

14-08-14, 11:23
Stay in work, this is anxiety, don't allow it to make you run.

You probably have a bug, and your anxiety is making things worse. Find something to do to distract yourself. :)

14-08-14, 11:33
It sounds like you have severe anxiety at the moment, especially as the Diazepam helped.

Maybe you have a bug as well.

Female healthanxiety
14-08-14, 11:43
Erghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No I did not try the Diazepan last night!

But to stop me walking out of work - I thought right take the bloody thing. So opened the fresh pack and have taken half....

Yes I feel my anxiety is only really bad because of the way I feel :-(

Thank you both - I keep looking at the clock, which I know is really bad -- counting down to lunch - not that I feel like I can even walk to get anything xx lucy they delivered my Graze box last week! :flowers:

14-08-14, 11:55
Hang in there, I know that sort of feeling where everything tells you there is some physical cause for all your symptoms. Anxiety is a crazy thing, you'd never believe it until you have it!!
Hope the diazepam helped some. Like someone said you could have had a bit of a virus that's taken it out of you as well, but the symptoms you described sound very much like severe anxiety symptoms.
Keep moving forward! Have you been taking little walks/exercise of some form? That can help even when you are feeling weary.

14-08-14, 12:08
Stay strong and stay at work it is anxiety but don't let it beat u if u walk out now it will only get worse on your return big hugs x

Female healthanxiety
14-08-14, 12:13

thank you Violet Wings and Leanne.

I don't think I would worry that much if I wasn't going away on Saturday for a week - I don't have time to feel like this.

It is definately in my head! talking of heads (even though I do not have a temperature, others say my head feels hot).....

Yes maybe a virus - if it is - it feels horrible I tell you - do they make you this dizzy and are they that disabling?!

I have tried walking the last few days (when I get out of my car) to boots or the shops, and I feel like I cant walk straight and dizzy like I am really going to faint, and as I said if I am in a que or getting money out (standing still) then I feel like I am going to kill over!

14-08-14, 12:26

* Head pain on the right, which starts at my temple
* Same pain behind the eye and eyebrow
* Head twitches
* Same pain in my cheek
* Neck stiffness
* Shoulder stiffness (to the point sometimes hands and arms numb)
* A wind type noise in my ear (every now and then)
* Dizziness (when I am walking I feel like im not walking straight which make me panic) and when I am standing feel like I am going to drop
* My eyes feel really dazed (like how they are when you are drunk)

I sound like a broken record these days, but all of those symptoms are related to parts of your body whose nerves originate in the neck. Maybe see a physio, osteopath or chiro? Pinched nerves in the cervical spine are really common these days, especially if you work on a computer or use an ipad a lot. They're also commonly problematic in anxiety due to carrying tension in the neck/shoulders. :)

Female healthanxiety
14-08-14, 12:34
:) Hello Serenity!

No you don't sound like a broken record - I do!

Thank you - I would try anything I tell you.

Isn't it weird - when you actually don't feel well, you think back to how you have anxiety when you don't actually feel that bad! (if this makes any sense)

14-08-14, 12:44
Honestly, I'm no doctor but your symptoms sound absolutely classic. Trouble is with these sort of mechanical issues doctors are usually quite poor at diagnosing as the training in the West is very chemistry-orientated comparative to elsewhere.

If you do book yourself into a physio/osteopath/chiro privately, do make sure you go to one with plenty of recommendations. :)

Female healthanxiety
14-08-14, 15:53
Are they?!

Not sure I can afford to go private, I live in London and they take the p*** with prices!

Will see if I can find somewhere and see what they say - but saying that I do (not so much now) every month get a neck, back and shoulder massage!

JUST A THOUGHT - I had the contraceptive implant in 2 months ago??

---------- Post added at 13:40 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

If I had a brain tumour or clot would I know?

---------- Post added at 15:53 ---------- Previous post was at 13:40 ----------

Sorry to drag on - I did stay at work and have held on and grinned and bared.

I just feel like I am stopping myself from fainting :-(