View Full Version : Worried about skin cancer

14-08-14, 15:19

I haven't posted in a whole because I have been feeling better, but I have an appointment with a dermatologist next week and I'm freakig myself out.
I have a mole between y toes that is classic melanomma- it is very irregular sharp with two black lines down the middle and kind of looks like it's split in the middle. I have had two irregular miles removed in the past which turned out to be fine. I have had this mole as long as I can remember and I think it has always looked odd, although because it's between my toes I don't look at it very often so can't be sure about changes. I'm very very worried that it's melanoma that I've missed for a long time.
Can anyone offer any reassurance?


14-08-14, 15:48
The fact your acknowledging it's always been odd is good. I've done freaking out about all my moles n every single one is fine, and I have quite a lot of different shapes and sizes. Melanoma doesn't stay the same for years it's a fast spreading cancer, your dermatologist will tell you this. He/she will explain what to look out for and if they think it requires a biopsy, but the vast majority of moles are harmless. Good luck xxx

14-08-14, 17:06
Thanks so much this has really helped. As I'm sure you know sometimes just need a little encouraging word/rational thought from someone who understands health anxiety! I also have a dark patch like a bruise on my leg that has been there for a while which I stupidly googled and is apparently a sign of melanoma, but I will just have to put it out of my mind until I talk to the deematologist xx

08-10-15, 15:19
Was your mole okay in the end? I have something similar and I am freaking out!

15-10-15, 20:21
If anyone else comes across this thread in the future, it might help to allay your fears to know that I saw another dermatologist today who said the mole is absolutely fine.