View Full Version : Very Tired But Sleeping?

14-08-14, 17:17
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone else gets this.

-I had a couple of anxious / stressful past two days.
-Today, when I woke up after sleeping 7 hours, I was super tired.
-Got to work, drank coffee which helped a tiny bit, but I still feel out of it / more tired than usual.

Does anyone else get this way with their anxiety? Usually I can focus, but today I'm aloof and tired.

What helps you?

Also -- I really only get 5-6 hours a sleep normally. I think my body feels that I overslept.

14-08-14, 18:25
I often get days like that even if I've slept ok I'm exhausted and could fall asleep wherever I am , I just try to concentrate on something else and let pass xx

14-08-14, 18:58
Yes, JoeGomez. It is the Anxiety that drains you. It might not be the day of the stress, but it catches up with you. I also average 5-6 hours of sleep at night. I used to wake-up several times in the night and that was worse. So, I stay up late and sleep through. Sometimes your Anxiety comes out in your dreams and that will make you feel tired also. I have been on 5-6 hours for the last 3 months now, it hasn't made me feel worse than having 7-8 hours. In fact I am worse when I have 8 hours, I just can't seem to wake up. Try and find a food or drink that gives you more energy for when you need it. Coffee will only work for a little while and tends to make Anxiety worse.

14-08-14, 19:21
Wow carnation. Thank you for that. It made me feel much better.

I am the same. If I get too much sleep (7-8 hours for me) I just can't wake up and I'm in a brain funk most of the day.

I too used to wake up a lot at night until I started sleeping on an incline and with a new pillow.

Thanks again.

14-08-14, 20:09
You're very welcome. I changed my pillows too and don't have them too flat. I go through a sleepy period around about 4-5pm, but I have always been like that. This apparently is quite normal. I have to keep busy all the time. I hate boredom and that can create more tiredness. Have you got any hobbies/past-times.
I also can't sleep if I am hungry. Apparently a bowl of porridge is just as good for you in the evening as it is in the morning. (There was an article about this on the net).

14-08-14, 20:43
Oh I hear ya. If I get bored I get anxious, or it will make me more tired if I am tired. Thanks!

18-08-14, 14:02
I'm the same Joe. I wake up and after lunch time I'm ready to go back to bed. I only ever feel fully awake late evening