View Full Version : gagging and stomach pains

14-08-14, 20:15
basically, i get nervous/anxious about many different situations: dentist,flying(aeroplane),performing(badminton)or something simple like meeting a person for the first time. ok , but what i dont understand is why this happens, because i'm not thinking of anything specific, it feels like it comes out of the blue. Like i'll be fine one minute walking down the road then suddenly start having a gagging attack...it's really ruining my quality of life. I've tried to handle the anxiety myself for about two years but finally i've broke down. I think it is because i'm afraid of the uncomfortable physical symptoms, but i'm not sure. I mean ffs how can i overcome and beat something that i don't even know what causes my anxiety. i want professional help but it's so expensive and i don't want my parents to waste money. so i'll probably resort to medication if nothing else works soon.

14-08-14, 20:20
I've just seen the doctor for the first time ever since sufferig from similar symptoms for 10 years.

The feeling that you don't understand why its happening is normal. You can get therapy on the NHS but you might have to wait a while.

I'm considering taking my prescribed anti depressants but not sure yet as therapy will clear my mind and help me control any thing that might trigger the nausea.

See your doctor - it'll be a massive relief in itself. 1 in 3 people suffer so they will take you seriously, especially if its affecting your every day life.

14-08-14, 20:28
how much do you think it will cost for a pyschiatrist, and what meds are you taking? its annoying because whenever i get anxious i get nauseous, thanks anyway