View Full Version : Update-My way back from GAD

14-08-14, 20:49
Hey guys,
Some of you may know may story of generalised anxiety for 13 years, please see pervious posts. If not I have suffered from this way to long and took so many different anti depressants to numb what I was feeling. I took a massive step for me to stop hiding behind medication 7 weeks ago and stopped. I needed to have a baseline the real me back so that I could make an informed choice on how to tackle this.

So ive started CBT which I had previously but it never was going to work whilst on meds, sort of like trying to physio my broken ankle with the plaster still on.

A couple of interesting stuff has been discussed and I have started mindfulness meditation. This has been going for 4 weeks with some success but early stages. Up to 30 mins guided mediation per day. I am trying know to weave this into my daily routine as well.

I am nowhere near where I want to be an still have some significant physical stuff happening. I have realised not to blame myself for every thought and radical acceptance is this weeks current challenge. ie. this is me, this is normal for me, things don't change overnight after 13 years etc.

I have started to try and do some exercise every day. Golf yesterday and swimming today. Very mild but I am so fatigued after doing anything physical so I am trying to build this up really slowly and too much seems to set me back.

Anybody got any ideas on any vitamins etc I can take at this chronic fatigue is really holding me back for the next step.
Please if I can give any advice please ask cause I have been through and tried everything going.

14-08-14, 22:34
Hi, Rossthekid! Good to hear you're doing so well! Radical acceptance, eh? I like that! Meanwhile,I sure know what you mean about feeling fatigued after doing anything physical. And yet we must, important part of wellness, physical and mental! :D

B Vitamins, B-Complex supplements are highly recommended against fatigue. I am one who can't take them because of increased anxiety right afterwards. For those who are okay to do so, they are said to really help!

Also, here is the forum's Natural Remedies section, you might want to peruse the threads, or post one of your own on the topic.


This seems to be a good thread on B vitamins I found there!

Good luck!