View Full Version : Ear infection :(

14-08-14, 21:56
I had a really bad ear infection in Decemebr (which ended after I took anti biotics in January) , which caused horrendous pressure in my right ear and ever since its been getting VERY slowly better. Should I worry? Is it normal to still have a bit of pressure after 6 months? Because I also had glandular fever after this infection, I kept getting colds which hasnt helped my ear drain at all. In the past 2 weeks there has been major improvements, do I risk anything by just leaving it to drain on its own?
If you could put my mind at rest id just be so greatful.
Im 17 if it helps

14-08-14, 22:10
Hi I had a horrible ear infection a few months ago it was swimmers ear. I still get horrible feelings in it and doctor always says it is scarred and also where I had swimmers ear once you tend to be prone to getting infections again. Try to keep it clean and don't put water in it, I had micro suction done which was amazing.