View Full Version : New obession-lymph nodes!

15-08-14, 01:03
Hey guys,

So I posted a thread yesterday regarding me going to the docs for the first time in two years.

I've been avoiding because I'm terrified of doctors and I'm scared as to what the results may be.

Since yesterday, I noticed a pain/slight discomfort on the right side of my neck on my way to the doc. Up until the night before there was no pain. Anyway I started prodding and keep feeling my glad there and it feels completely normal. It doesn't seem swollen/hard but the pain is in that area. My jaw is also hurting in the area and my eyes are a bit itchy/blurry.

Anyway, I went for a blood/urine test because I've been due for a physical and lately I've been feeling a bit tired after work and now with the lymph node obsession I'm scared.

I'm waiting for the results of my tests but in the meantime I'm obsessing over a whole bunch of diseases such as cancer, leukemia, HIV/STD, Lupus and many more diseases.

I used to have a HUGE Heart obsession and I had been away from this site for more than a year due to me getting my life back in track.

But now, I have a new obession and I can't keep calm. I'm at work here and my eyes keep tearing up because of the terror in my head of all the diseases I could have.

Anyone going through something similar?:weep:

BTW, I'm a 24 year old male.

17-08-14, 00:20
Yes. Me. I can feel a lymph node on the left side of my neck that I can't really feel on the right. It's small, moveable, and soft. I've had a Dr, a PA, and a nurse all say it's a normal lymph node and my neck feels fine. Like every other disease I've conjured up, I still believe I have lymphoma. I hate letting each great run its course.